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GL Journal

Journal entries are created to record the University's business transactions, which are posted to the general ledger.  The general ledger records all account activity for the University (i.e. assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenses).  The transactions posted to the ledger are used to prepare the University's financial statements. A Journal consists of multiple journal lines and one journal header, identified by the Journal ID and Journal Date. The Journal can be entered directly to the General Ledger or input from a feeder system such as Accounts Payable, Purchasing and Human Resources.

The following links will provide with instructions on how to create and / or view a GL journal.

Creating a Journal Entry

View an Approved Journal

Budget Journal

Budget Journals are entered by the budget office at UHD. Please contact one of the budget office staff, if you require changes to your budget, establish new revenue, budget fund equity or transfer between budget nodes.

Transfer of Funds Request

The following link will provide you with instructions on how to view a budget journal.

Look Up a Budget Journal