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Respondus Faculty FAQs

  • What is Respondus Lockdown Browser and how do I get it on my computer?

    • LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the assessment environment, making students unable to print, copy/paste, or switch to different applications. Students will be required to use Respondus LockDown Browser only for quizzes that the instructor has selected for the application to be enabled.
  • What are the Respondus LockDown Browser system requirements?

    • Windows: 10, 8, 7
    • Mac: MacOS 10.15 to 10.12, OS X 10.11, OSX 10.10
    • iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration.
    • Chromebook OS (Ver 92.0.4515.157+)
    • Respondus LockDown Browser can be used on PCs and Macs. Instructors have to option to allow students to use LockDown Browser on their iPads (not recommended)
  • Does anything need to be installed on a computer for Respondus LockDown Browser to be used for an online exam?

    • Yes, the application program for Respondus LockDown Browser must be installed on the computer. Instructors should provide the download link for students.


  • How can I allow students to access specific external web domains during an exam?

    • The instructor can allow access to specific external web domains during an exam. However, the instructor must first select a setting that permits access to external web domains. More information can be found on the Respondus Support site.
  • Can spreadsheets be used with Respondus LockDown Browser?

    • LockDown Browser includes a tool that enables .xls/.xlsx spreadsheets to be viewed and manipulated during an exam session. This functionality is available for Windows, Mac, and iPad editions of LockDown Browser. More information can be found on the Respondus Support site.
  • Is Respondus LockDown Browser accessible to students with disabilities?

    • The Mac version of LockDown Browser works with VoiceOver (the standard screen reader that comes with the Mac OS). LockDown Browser's functions and security remain the same when VoiceOver is used.
    • The Windows version of LockDown Browser (version and newer) allows a student to use screen reader accessibility programs, such as JAWS and Windows-Eyes. However, the security level of LockDown Browser is lowered when screen readers are used. To address this, the instructor must enable a setting that permits specific students to use a screen reader application with LockDown Browser.
  • Should students take a practice test?

    • Yes, students should be required to take a practice test. Instructors should provide students with unlimited attempts to take a practice test. The practice test should be available for the entire semester. The practice test should have enough questions in it so that students can get an idea of what to expect when they take a test that requires Respondus LockDown Browser

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