Canvas - Semester Startup
Canvas & myUHD2.0
Know Your Login Credentials
To sign into Canvas, you will use the same login credentials that you use to login to myUHD2.0. You will be required to enroll into DUO two-factor authentication to complete the login process, you can visit the DUO page for further information. Remember, your UHD password expires every 90 days. If you are having trouble with your DUO, username, or password you can contact the Help Desk at 713-221-8031. Need password assistance?
Downloading Course Rosters
The option of downloading your course roster is available in the myUHD Faculty & Staff area of the UHD website. You're also able to download your roster directly from your Canvas course. For step-by-step instructions, please visit Export Grades in the Gradebook webpage.
Publish Your Canvas Course
Any Canvas class can be published up to two weeks prior to the start of a semester. All classess will automatically publish on the first day of class. When you are ready for your students to access your course, you can go to Canvas and publish the course from the Dashboard or the course's Home Page. Read this more detailed instructions on How To Publish Your Course.
Cross-listing Sections
If you are teaching multiple sections of the same course and would like to use just one Canvas course for all of them, you will need to cross-list the desired sections from the Canvas Course Settings. For detailed instructions, visit Cross-List a Section in a Canvas Course
e-Syllabi & e-Curriculum Vitae
You are required to submit one e-CV and an e-syllabus for each course you are assigned to teach. View instructions on how to post your e-syllabi and post your e-CV