Blackboard to Canvas Comparison Chart
This chart compares tools from Blackboard Learn with its Canvas equivalent. Please use the information provided below to help familiarize yourself with the tools that are offered in Canvas, and where to find them. At this time, the information presented on this page is mostly tailored for instructors.
Bb Tool | Canvas Tool | Notable Differences |
Announcements | Announcements |
New Functionality
Assignments | Assigments |
New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
Calendar | Course Calendar |
New Functionality
Content Collection | Files |
New Functionality
Course Content Area/Blank Page | Pages |
New Functionality
Course Copy | Course Copy |
New Functionality
Course Link | Course Link |
New Functionality
Course List | Courses Dashboard |
New Functionality
Course Menu | Navigation Menu |
New Functionality
Discussion Board/ Group Discussion | Discussions |
New Functionality
Folders | None | Informational/Good to know
Grade Center | Grades |
New Functionality
Groups | Groups |
New Functionality
Learning Modules | Modules |
New Functionality
Mobile Apps (“Blackboard” and “Instructor” apps) | Mobile Apps (“Student” and “Teacher” apps) |
Student App New Functionality
Teacher App New Functionality
My Grades | Grades |
New Functionality
Edit Notification Settings | Notifications |
New Functionality
Rich Content Editor | Rich Content Editor |
New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
Informational/Good to know
Rubrics | Rubrics |
New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
Self and Peer Assessments | Assignments When creating an Assignment enable the "Require Peer Reviews" option. |
New Functionality
Send Email/Course Messages | Conversations Inbox |
New Functionality
Informational/Good to know
Tests, Surveys, and Pools | Classic Quizzes and Question Banks |
New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
Tests, Surveys, and Pools | New Quizzes and Item Banks Note: Visit Canvas | New Quizzes Feature Comparison to see a comparison chart between Classic and New Quizzes.
What is New Quizzes?
New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
User Settings | Profile and User Settings |
New Functionality
Users | People |
New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
Weblinks | External Link/URL |
Rich Content Editor New Functionality
Loss of Functionality
Modules New Functionality
Bb Tool | Options in Canvas (No Direct Equivalent) | Workaround |
Blogs | Discussions with adjusted settings. | Currently, there is no Blogs tool in Canvas. Please see the section for Blogs on the Migration Cleanup checklist for a workaround. |
Journal | Discussion Board OR Text Assignment Submission | Currently, there is no Journals tool in Canvas. Please see the section for Journals on the Migration Cleanup checklist for a workaround. |
Manual Grade Column | New Assignment -> No Submission | You cannot add a manual grade column directly to the Grade Book in Canvas (as you can in Learn). You must create a new assignment, and in the “Submission Type” settings, set to “No Submission.” How do I create assignment columns for non-submission Assignments? |
Wikis | Pages with adjusted editing permissions | Currently, there is no Wikis tool in Canvas. Please see the section for Wikis on the
Migration Cleanup checklist for a workaround. The workaround does not work as cleanly
as Wikis, however Pages will work. You’ll need to change the permissions of that page
to allow students to edit. Pages cannot be set to be worth a grade, and there is no designated comment section for users to provide feedback on individual pages. |
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