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University of Houston-Downtown understands that extenuating circumstances such as medical hardships, military leave, or family loss can occur unexpectedly. Continue below to learn about the different appeal types and the process to submit the appropriate appeal.

In this page you will find:

Appeals and Financial Aid Impact

Grade Appeal

Types of Non-Academic Appeals

Academic Suspension and Appeal Process

Academic Dismissal and Appeal Process


Financial Aid Impact

Students awarded financial aid are encouraged to contact the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid at or 713-221-8041 to determine the impact on their records if an appeal were approved. 

More information can be found by reviewing the Dropping Classes and Withdrawing webpage. 

Students wishing to appeal for a balance due to Return to Title Four funds should not submit an appeal to the Registrar’s Office as this appeal process will not waive funds that need to be paid back to the institution.

Grade Appeal

Students who wish to appeal a grade earned in a course are encouraged to first contact the faculty member for that course. If a resolution is not met, students can also contact the Department Chair to begin a grade appeal process. If a grade change/update is granted, the department will send the proper documentation to the Registrar’s Office to update the student’s official grade.


Types of Non-Academic Appeal

Students wishing to appeal one or more courses for a semester/term must submit an Appeal Request to the Registrar’s Office within one calendar year after the close of term for which the request is made.

  • Complete Withdrawal: Students requesting a complete retroactive withdrawal (i.e., withdrawal from all course(s) taken during a semester) must submit an appeal to the Office of the Registrar, which is responsible for archiving these documents; submitting the appeal documents to the academic dean in the college in which the student has declared a major; and carrying out the academic dean’s decision.

  • Partial Withdrawal: Students requesting a partial retroactive withdrawal (i.e., withdrawal from one or more but not all courses taken during a semester), must submit and appeal to the Office of the Registrar, which is responsible for archiving these documents; submitting the appeal documents to the academic dean in the college in which each course is taken, and carrying out the academic dean’s decision.

  • Grades of W are granted retroactively (i.e., after the published deadline) only under unusual and well documented circumstances. If the relevant dean finds sufficient documented justification for a complete or partial retroactive withdrawal, the dean will file an administrative request with the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for letting the student know the relevant dean’s decision, which is final. Students seeking a retroactive withdrawal must appeal within one calendar year after the close of term for which the request is made.

  • Pursuant to section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code and based on PS 03.A.36 all courses dropped beginning in Fall 2007 are calculated into the 6 drop limit students are allowed during their academic career. In Texas, the “6 Drop Rule” prohibits dropping more than six classes after the last day to drop without a grade or "Census Date". If you are an undergraduate student and started as a first-time undergraduate at any community college, four-year college, or university in the fall of 2007 or later, you cannot drop more than six courses during your entire Texas college career. The rationale for this rule is based on a Texas law designed to motivate and encourage course completion and the timely attainment of a degree.

  • Students who have reached the 6 Course Drop limit will no longer be able to receive a W (Withdraw) from a course, unless good cause exists for dropping more than that number, including the student’s showing of:
  • a severe illness or other debilitating condition that affects the student's ability to satisfactorily complete a course
  • the student's responsibility for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person if the provision of care affects the student's ability to satisfactorily complete a course
  • the death of a person who:
  • is a member of the student's immediate family
  • is an active duty service member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States or a person who is a member of the student’s immediate family
  • a disaster declared by the governor under Section 418.014, Government Code, resulting in a bar or limit on in-person course attendance at the institution of a duration that significantly affects the student's ability to participate in coursework, as determined in accordance with a rule adopted under this subsection for purposes of this subdivision.

  • The fee applied to any course taken once a student has exceeded 30 or 45 credit hours over the number of credit hours required for their degree program.
  • The 45 hour limit applies to students that initially enrolled during or after Fall 1999 but before Fall 2006.
  • The 30 hour limit applies to students that initially enrolled during or after Fall 2006.


The Appeals Committee must have the following information to begin reviewing an appeal. Submit your documentation via the “SUBMIT AN APPEAL” button below. 
  • Appeal Form with student signature
  • Valid photo ID
  • Supporting documentation (may vary based on your appeal, but examples of acceptable documents include):
  • Email correspondence between UHD staff/faculty supporting extenuating circumstances detailed and requested in the appeal
  • Death certificate of immediate family member
  • Military deployment orders
  • Doctor note/hospital visit summary (students should redact sensitive information that is not pertinent to the appeal request)
  • All supporting documentation must clearly note the student’s name and dates that can help support the scope of the appeal


Academic Suspension and Appeal Process

Students on academic suspension are ineligible to register or remain registered in classes for the next term/semester because the semester/term grade point average fails to meet the conditions of your academic probation (maintain a semester/term GPA of a 2.0 or greater). If you are currently registered for courses for the next academic term/semester, you will be automatically removed from all classes. Students placed on academic suspension status are not permitted to enroll for the semester the suspension is in effect. To learn more, visit the official UHD Academic Probation and Suspension Policy.

If you wish to appeal against suspension and seek reinstatement and approval to enroll in courses during the next term/semester, you must do so by submitting the Academic Suspension Appeal form by the deadline below. All requests must be received by business closing time.


Term Deadline To Appeal
Spring 2025 December 20, 2024
Summer 2025 May 23, 2025
Fall 2025 TBD


Appeal requests must meet the following guidelines:

  1. All required areas of the form should be completed accurately and truthfully.

  2. Your appeal should provide a thorough explanation of why the poor academic performance occurred. Appeals based on unusual or extenuating circumstances must also include an explanation of the circumstance that affected academic progress.

  3. Your appeal also should indicate the actions you intend to take to ensure your academic success if you are reinstated.
  4. Please make sure you submit your appeal form to the correct advising center based on what your current advising center assignment is in myUHD. Submitting an appeal form to the incorrect advising center might cause a delay in the decision or cause your appeal to be denied. 


Select your current assigned advising center to complete form:

Marilyn Davies College of Business Advising Center

College of Humanities & Social Sciences Advising Center

College of Public Service Advising Center 

College of Sciences & Technology Advising Center

Note: Students placed on academic suspension are ineligible to receive University financial aid or loans and are automatically removed from all classes for the next term/semester.


Academic Dismissal and Appeal Process

A student on suspension status must maintain a minimum UHD term GPA of 2.0 or above in each term in which they register until they achieve a cumulative UHD GPA of 2.0. Failure to maintain a term GPA of 2.0 will result in academic dismissal from the university. PS-03.A.07 - Undergraduate Academic Probation & Suspension

Students on academic dismissal are ineligible to register or remain registered in classes for any future term. The academic dismissal will be permanent at UHD unless a student readmits under PS 03.A.08: Academic Amnesty or an appeal is approved by the Academic Dismissal Committee.

If you wish to appeal Academic Dismissal, and seek reinstatement and approval to enroll in courses in Fall or Spring semester, you must complete the following steps:

  • Step 1 – Complete and submit the form below in its entirety.
  • Step 2 – Apply for readmission to UHD for the semester of your appeal request.

Students must provide clear and compelling rationale and steps taken to demonstrate commitment to academic success. For example, academic success at other institutions. Final decisions rest with the Academic Dismissal Committee.


Term Appeal Deadline
FALL 2024 Closed
SPRING 2025 December 17, 2024


Academic Dismissal Appeal Form