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Panopto - How to take a quiz


In this article, you will learn how to take a quiz in a Panopto video. Note: Users must be signed into Canvas or Panopto to take a quiz.  

Taking a Quiz

While watching a video, the quiz will open in the embedded or interactive viewer. 

Panopto Viewer. In it, the secondary screen source in the upper right corner is highlighted by a red box. A quiz appears in it.
Take the quiz. If there is more than one question, select Next to continue through the quiz. Note: If you need to go back to a previous question, select the Previous button. Your progress and the total number of questions will appear in the upper right corner of the quiz. 
Quiz in the Panopto Viewer. On it, the button "Next" is highlighted by a red box. 
Once you answer the last question, click Finish
Quiz in the Panopto Viewer. On it, the button "Finish" is highlighted by a red box. 
At the end of the quiz, the user will be informed of the number of questions they answered correctly. Three options will appear for them: Retake, Review, and Continue. These options allow the user to: 
  • Retake: Begin the quiz again. Please note: Panopto can only retain your most recent score. 
  • Review: Review the correct answers and explanations.
  • Continue: Continue viewing the session. 
Please Note: The options to Retake the quiz or Review your score will only appear if the video's creator allows it. 
Quiz in the Panopto Viewer. On it, the user's results appear as well as three buttons: Retake, Review, and Continue. The buttons 

Keyboard Shortcuts 

 There are keyboard shortcuts available for taking a quiz. They are: 

  • Tab: Moving through the options within a quiz.
  • Arrow: Selecting an answer within a multiple choice or true/false question. 
  • Spacebar: Selecting answers within a multiple selection question.
  • Enter: Selecting an option in the quiz. 

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