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Panopto: How To Create A Video Assignment


This documentation will go over how to create an assignment in Canvas so that students can submit their Panopto recordings for grading.

Create an Assignment Folder in Panopto

In the Canvas course, select Panopto Video from the left-hand navigation.  Note: If Panopto does not appear in your course navigation, please follow our guidance in How to Access Panopto in a Canvas Course: Add Panopto to the Course Navigation, first. 

Left-hand navigation of a Canvas course. The option "Panopto Video" is highlighted by a red box.
In the course folder that appears, select the Settings icon from the upper right corner, which appears as a cogwheel.

Course folder open in Canvas. In the upper right corner of the course folder, the cog wheel icon (for "Settings") is highlighted by a red box. 

On the Overview tab of the folder settings that appears, select Create Assignment Folder.

Folder settings, Canvas course folder. Under "Assignment Folder," the option "Create Assignment Folder" is highlighted by a red box. 

The assignment folder will be created. Please note: The Canvas integration will automatically add students in your course as Viewers to the course folder in Panopto. 
Assignment folder section, Overview tab of a folder's settings. On it, a link to new assignment folder appears related to the course and is highlighted by a red box 

Create an Assignment in Canvas

Navigate to your course in Canvas. Select the Assignments tab, located in the left-hand navigation, and then click the +Assignment button in the top right to add a new assignment.

Assignments tab, Canvas. "Assignments" in the left-hand navigation is highlighted by a red box, and in the upper right corner, the "+ Assignment" button is highlighted by a red box.  

In the assignment editor, fill out the assignment and instructions in the text box if needed. Instructions for what students can expect from the submission process can be found here.

Make sure that the Submission Type is set to Online and then set to Text Entry so that students have access to the Panopto embed tool.

New Assignment window, Canvas. The menu for "Submission Type" is set to "Online," and the option "Text Entry" is selected and highlighted by a red box.

Click Save at the bottom to save the assignment, and then select Publish when you are ready for students to review it. The Publish button will now state Published to indicate that your students can view it.

A new Canvas assignment. In the upper right corner, the button "Publish" is highlighted by a red box.

A new Canvas assignment. In the upper right corner, the button "Published" is highlighted by a red box.  

Students can now submit their Panopto recordings using the instructions in How to Submit a Video Assignment in Canvas.  

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