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Learning Continuity Alignment:

LC IconLC 1: Communicate Transparently

Clear instructions detailing the purpose, task(s), and success criteria for assignments and activities.

LC IconQM1:

Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.


An effective component for cultivating online presence in any modality is providing one or several walkthrough videos of the course as it appears in the LMS. These orientation videos not only guide students through course navigation but also provide a practical demonstration of locating critical course components. By doing so, they effectively eliminate confusion and potential difficulties for both students and instructors down the road. These will also serve as a clear and direct introduction to the Canvas platform. Many students may be using this LMS for the first time. This inclusive approach ensures that all students, including those in traditional face-to-face courses, can access the necessary information in one centralized location. 


Shohreh Hashemi, Ed.D. | Associate Professor, MIS
Faculty Demonstration

Jean Nganou, Ph.D. | Associate Professor, Math & Statistics
Faculty Demonstration


Joseph Westfall, Ph.D.  | Professor of Philosophy
Course Element Example


Joseph Westfall, Ph.D.  | Professor of Philosophy
Faculty Demonstration

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