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Getting Started Activity: Escape Room

escape room IconGetting Started- Escape Room  

Learning Continuity Alignment:

LC IconLC 2: Normalize Digital Learning

Introduce and normalize use of the LMS and key digital learning tools. 

LC IconQuality Matters Alignment:  

QM 1.5 - the minimum technology requirements for the course are clearly stated. 

QM 1.6 - computer skills and digital information literacy skills expected of the learner are clearly stated. 

QM 1.8 - there is a self-introduction by the instructor that is professional and available online. 

QM 1.9 - learners are asked to introduce themselves to the class. 


In this introductory escape room, students complete several introductory and housekeeping tasks that will help them prepare for the semester.  Students will become familiar with the LMS and will begin forming a community of learners with their peers.  The escape room begins with an instructor video introduction.  

These tasks allow a period of learning and adjustment from both faculty and students to aid in the transition to the new LMS. Even without a new LMS, the escape room can be used to familiarize students with the tools that their faculty member will employ in their course.  Escape rooms can be used in courses, whether they are 1000-level or 4000-level, and whether the course is face-to-face, hybrid, or fully online. Even if a student is familiar with the LMS, every professor organizes things a little differently.  Components of the escape room can be modified depending on the format of the course and on the expected student population. 

In the escape room, students become familiar with the LMS by taking a quiz on the syllabus (this also allows them to become familiar with important course policies), posting in a discussion forum on the topic of academic honesty, submitting an assignment on learning preparedness, and utilizing VoiceThread for a video self-introduction.  Students are also directed to information on the technology requirements for the course and how to obtain help when they need it.  Resources are linked from the home page and are easily accessed with few clicks. 


Meghan Minard, Ph.D. | Lecturer, Biology
Faculty Demonstration

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