UHD News

Want the Lowdown on UHD? Attend the State of the University Address
For Gators who want to be in the know, the State of the University address is their opportunity to find out the university’s greatest accomplishments and future aspirations—with no person other than UHD President Loren J. Blanchard himself as “the source.”

Don't Judge a Book by Its Ban
The W.I. Dykes library will display a table of books that have been or are challenged or banned, in an effort to stand with all libraries that are targets of such censorship efforts.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: What’s Your Next? President’s Lecture Series Kicks Off the Month
UHD’s Fall 2024 President’s Lecture Series kicks off with “Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: What’s Your Next?” Join us for a fascinating look at topics relevant to Hispanic heritage, ranging from representation in media and entertainment, the power of storytelling and entrepreneurship to the immigrant experience.

A Fall Festival You Won’t Want To Miss! Northside Festival at UHD
The Greater Northside Management District is hosting its third iteration of the annual festival from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. To be held in the Naylor Parking Lot of UHD’s College of Sciences and Technology Building, the free, family-friendly festival will feature a musical performance by recording artist Leslie Lugo.

Welcome New Employees! September 16
UHD News welcomes new Gators to the UHD community! Remember to extend a warm Gator "hello" to our new colleagues when you see them around campus!

Houston’s Smelly, Early History and the Willow Street Pump Station
The Willow Street Pump Station may be the oldest building on the University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) campus, but another structure, Allen’s Steam Saw Mill, at the confluence of White Oak and Buffalo bayous, was originally on the site. UHD bought and rehabilitated the structure in 2003, updating it for contemporary use.

It's National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week!
As one of 600 Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) from across the nation, UHD joins in this week’s celebration of National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week from Sept. 9-15.

Demystifying the FBI: Vitalvoices Speaker Series Returns on Sept. 10
On Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, UHD’s Center for Public Service and Community Research hosts its first installment of the annual speaker series, vitalvoices.

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. UHD is dedicated to raising awareness of those lost and impacted by suicide, and to suicide prevention. Learn how you can help a Gator student, alumnus, staff, or faculty member to address this public health problem.

UHD Safety Conference 2024
The 2024 UHD Safety Conference will provide attendees information about staying safe on campus and downtown through interactive booths and interactions with local law enforcement. Exhibitions will be held throughout the third floor of the One Main Building.