Shipping Information
Online tracking is available for UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL. To check the status or trace a shipment select the applicable link below for tracking status:
Note: When a carrier's tracking system shows a shipment as delivered, it does not mean it is ready to be delivered from Shipping Services. Please see pick up and delivery times.
Express Vendors delivery times:
UPS-10:30 am
Federal Express - 10:00 am
Federal Express Ground - 12:30 pm
USPS - 11:00 am
Mailroom delivery schedule to departments:
Express Courier packages are delivered to departments before noon, daily.
Department mail bags are delivered from 1-2:30 daily.
Outgoing USPS mail/packages must be received by 3 p.m., Monday - Friday. Outgoing mail is delivered to the post office by 3:30 daily.
Rates and Fees: UHD receives discounts from UPS and Federal Express. Contact the mail room to compare rates and fees for express mail.
Pickup and Drop Off: Mail services provide daily pickup and delivery for USPS mail/packages and all express vendors. All packages and campus mail, incoming or outgoing, is collected and delivered to the appropriate destinations. USPS mail and small packages can be dropped off in the outgoing mailboxes located at OMB 101 N Shipping front entrance and the third floor across from UHD Security Station.
Outgoing Express Vendors pick up times:
FedEx | 11:00 a.m. |
UPS | 4:00 p.m. |