UHD / Academic Affairs / College of Sciences & Technology / Department of Mathematics & Statistics / MS Faculty & Staff
MS Faculty & Staff
Mathematics Faculty | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Susan L. Beane Senior Lecturer Profile |
S730 | 713-221-7938 beanes@uhd.edu |
Bonnie Blumberg Lecturer Profile | Website |
S729 | 713-221-8408 nadlerb@uhd.edu |
Aktug Cilekci Lecturer |
S727 |
713-221-5876 cilekcia@uhd.edu |
Youn-Sha Chan Professor Profile |
S720 | 713-221-8414 chany@uhd.edu |
Ermelinda DeLaViña Associate Dean & Professor Profile | Website |
N723A | 713-226-5241 delavinae@uhd.edu |
Jamal Douglas Lecturer |
S764 | 713-221-5568 douglasj@uhd.edu |
Cesar Arturo Garza Assistant Professor Profile | Website |
S718 | 713-221-5568 garzace@uhd.edu |
Sangeeta Gad Senior Lecturer Profile |
S722D | 713-221-8432 gads@uhd.edu |
Joyce Hallaway Lecturer |
S750 | 713-221-8070 hallawayjo@uhd.edu |
Fariborz Heydari Lecturer |
S731 | 713-221-8122 heydarif@uhd.edu |
Katarina Jegdic Professor Profile | Website |
S710 | 713-221-8631 jegdick@uhd.edu |
Benny John Senior Lecturer Profile | Website |
S763 | 713-221-8084 johnb@uhd.edu |
Sergiy Koshkin Professor Profile | Website |
S713 | 713-226-5567 koshkins@uhd.edu |
Iride Lazo Lecturer |
S751 | 713-221-5834 lazoi@uhd.edu |
Xinyu Li-Ban Lecturer |
S748 | 713-221-5084 lix@uhd.edu |
Jean Bernard Nganou Associate Professor Profile |
S762 | 713-221-5859 nganouj@uhd.edu |
Mitsue Nakamura Senior Lecturer Profile | Website |
S732 | 713-221- 8556 nakamuram@uhd.edu |
Vien Nguyen Senior Lecturer Profile | Website |
S728 | 713-221-8435 nguyenv@uhd.edu |
Ryan Pepper Professor, MS Chair Profile |
S705E | 713-221-8467 pepperr@uhd.edu |
Judith Quander
Professor, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development |
S950M | 713-226-5281 quanderr@uhd.edu |
Timothy Redl Professor, MS Assistant Chair Profile | Website |
S705 | 713-226-5224 redlt@uhd.edu |
Plamen Simeonov Professor Profile |
S714 | 713-221-8671 simeonovp@uhd.edu |
Edwin Tecarro Associate Professor Profile | Website |
S716 | 713-221-8655 tecarroe@uhd.edu |
Shishen (Sam) Xie Professor Profile | Website |
S711 | 713-221-8431 xies@uhd.edu |
Jeong-Mi Yoon Professor Profile | Website |
S712 | 713-221-8457 yoonj@uhd.edu |
Vasilis G. Zafiris Associate Professor Profile |
S706 | 713-221-8412 zafirisv@uhd.edu |
Ataollah Zamani Lecturer |
S705 | 713-221-8412 zamania@uhd.edu |
Hailun Zheng Assistant Professor |
S749 | 713-221-5835 zhengh@uhd.edu |
Mukesh Kumar |
S715 |
713-221-8664 |
STATISTICS FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Dexter Cahoy Professor Profile | Website |
S750 | 713-221-8117 cahoyd@uhd.edu |
Wenlong Gong Assistant Professor |
S762 | 713-221-5877 gongw@uhd.edu |
J. Patrick King Clinical Assistant Professor |
S705G | 713-221-8968 kingj@uhd.edu |
Kendra Mhoon Associate Professor Profile |
S719 | 713-223-7926 mhoonk@uhd.edu |
Ha Nguyen Lecturer |
S615 | 713-221-8532 nguyenha@uhd.edu |
Anna Rosenthal Simmons Senior Lecturer Profile |
S743 | 713-221-2732 rosenthala@uhd.edu |
Katherine Shoemaker MS Assistant Chair Profile |
S705 | 713-221-8942 shoemakerk@uhd.edu |
MS ADJUNCT FACULTY | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Trinh Bui | S705 | 713-221-8012 buit@uhd.edu |
Carol Leanne Campbell | S705 | 713-221-8012 campbellc@uhd.edu |
Samuel Chen | S705 | 713-221-8012 chens@uhd.edu |
Bachlien Dang | S705 | 713-2218012 dangb@uhd.edu |
Jamal Douglas | S705 | 713-221-8012 douglasj@uhd.edu |
John Dozier | S705 | 713-221-8012 dozierj@uhd.edu |
Jose Gamez |
N925 | 713-221-8241 gamezjo@uhd.edu |
Henry Grimm | S705 | 713-221-8012 grimmh@uhd.edu |
Joe Idlebird | S705 | 713-221-8012 idlebirdj@uhd.edu |
Rebecca Morales Profile |
S705 | 713-221-8012 moralesr@uhd.edu |
Katharine Muire | S705 | 713-221-8012 muirek@uhd.edu |
Hien Nguyen | S705 | 713-221-8012 nguyenh@uhd.edu |
Kaylee Nguyen | S750 | 713-221-8012 nguyenkay@uhd.edu |
Thu Nguyen | S7510 | 713-221-8012 nguyenh@uhd.edu |
Ashfaqur Rehman | S705 | 713-221-8012 rehmana@uhd.edu |
Timor Sever | S705 | 713-221-8012 severt@uhd.edu |
Shannon Simon | S705 | 713-221-8012 simons@uhd.edu |
Richard Smalley | S705 | 713-221-8012 smalleyr@uhd.edu |
William Waller | S705 | 713-221-8012 wallerw@uhd.edu |
Courtney Watts |
S705 | 713-221-8012 wattsco@uhd.edu |
Zachary Wikstrom |
S705 | 713-221-8012 wikstomz@uhd.edu |
EMERITUS PROFESSOR | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Ronald F. Barnes Emeritus Professor |
Andre De Korvin Emeritus Professor |
Marjorie Freeman Emeritus Professor |
Nancy Leveille Emeritus Professor |
Dennis Rodriguez Emeritus Professor |
Jacek Turski Emeritus Professor |
June P. Wood Emeritus Professor |
MS STAFF | Office Number | Office Telephone/email |
Sawsan Shatleh Department Business Administrator II |
S705B | 713-221-8547 shatlehs@uhd.edu |
Cynthia Russell Administrative Assistant II |
S705A | 713-221-8508 russellcyn@uhd.edu |
Ghanem Ghanem Technical Support Specialist |
S747 | 713-221-8583 ghanemg@uhd.edu |
Brayan Cabaza Osorio Federal Workstudy I |
S705 | 713-221-8012 cabazab@uhd.edu |
Esmay Muniz Federal Workstudy I |
S705 | 713-221-8012 munize@uhd.edu |