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Center for Public Deliberation Resources

A list of resources for deliberative democracy for citizens, researchers, teachers, students, and facilitators.

National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation is a national collective for those interested in enhancing deliberative democracy in America.

Everyday Democracy: Formerly known as Study Circles, this organization/deliberative community offers powerful solutions for bringing citizens together to solve a wide range of problems.

National Issues Forums: The National Issues Forums has a wide variety of resources available for those wishing to conduct forums using NIF materials.

The Kettering Foundation: Kettering focuses on learning how deliberative democracy works. They have many publications and resources to help those trying to increase citizen participation in government.

Deliberative Democracy Consortium is a network of researchers and practitioners working together to strengthen the field of deliberative democracy. The Consortium seeks to support research activities and to advance practice at all levels of government, in North America and around the world.

Other Resources: