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March 3, 2023 - Required Canvas Training now available

Dear Faculty,

We are pleased to launch the Canvas training required for all faculty. As discussed via Faculty Senate processes, we have developed a UHD-specific version of the Growing with Canvas training that can provide foundational Canvas knowledge for our faculty. It is available in your Canvas space when you log in to Canvas.

The training is set up as a series of six modules, each with a quiz; in addition to the Canvas technology covered, we have included some information on accessibility and best practices. Many thanks to our amazing TTLC and CTLE teams for their work on this project!

Topics in Growing with Canvas at UHD (see attached for more details on the content):

  • Introduction
  • Module 1: Navigation & Communication
  • Module 2: Customizing Your Course
  • Module 3: Creating Activities & Assessments
  • Module 4: Grading & Evaluating Student Work
  • Module 5: Collaboration & Sharing
  • Module 6: Completion: Reviewing Key Concepts

To satisfy the training requirement, faculty should read the introduction and complete and pass the “Key Concepts Quiz" in each module with a score of 80% or higher. While we encourage you to work through the material in each module, you can choose to go directly to each of the quizzes. There is no limit on the number of times you can attempt the quizzes. Please see FAQs below for additional information.

It's not too late to join the summer or fall soft launch—all full-time and part-time faculty are eligible! Let us know your interest by completing this online survey.

Canvas Training FAQs

When do I have to complete the training?
Faculty in the soft launch must complete the training by April 1 for summer and July 1 for fall. We are working to identify a fall deadline for all faculty in order to be ready for the Spring 2024 full transition.

If I have done other trainings or taught in Canvas, do I have to complete this Growing with Canvas at UHD training?
Yes. We appreciate that many of our faculty have experience and have taken the initiative to learn the new LMS, but we do require that all faculty complete this same training to establish a common skill set and record thereof. If you are comfortable in Canvas, you could choose to go directly to the quizzes.

Do I need to submit my completion certificate to my department or the university?
No. Once you have completed the training, no additional steps are required and you do not need to notify anyone—we will be able to track completions within the system.

What if I have trouble accessing the training?
Please contact our Canvas support team at TTLCHELP@UHD.EDU.

If I prefer to do trainings in person through the TTLC, do I need to do this virtual training?
Yes. We certainly encourage you to seek out training options through whatever modality is most effective for you, but when you feel ready, you will need to pass the quizzes in this Growing with Canvas at UHD training. Here is a link to the TTLC training schedule.

Does this requirement apply to adjuncts?
Yes. All faculty should complete the training.

What if I have trouble understanding some of the Canvas tools presented in the training?
Please feel free to contact our Canvas support team and check out training options.

How much time will this training take?
The time required will vary for each person depending how much Canvas knowledge you may already have, how experienced you are in an LMS, and how much time you want to spend with the material.

How different is Canvas from Blackboard?
The systems have a notably different look and feel as well as ways in which courses will appear; the training will help to demonstrate key elements of Canvas. Please also see this online resource on comparisons between BB and Canvas tools.