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UHD Faculty

Name Title Department Email Phone
Bunin, Matthew Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages buninm@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Bundoc, Kasi Senior Lecturer Urban Education bundock@uhd.edu713-221-8665
Burleson, Stacey Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages
Burks, Lizette Assistant Professor Urban Education burksl@uhd.edu713-221-8991
Guidry, Allyson Adjunct Faculty Management bullocka@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Buie, David Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages buied@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Bui, Dung Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management buid@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Bui, Trinh Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics buit@uhd.edu713-221-8404
Bui, Minh Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management buim@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Campbell, Matthew Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Calvin, Daphne Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Canady, Byron Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain
Campo, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences campoj@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Cahoy, Dexter Professor Mathematics and Statistics cahoyd@uhd.edu713-221-8117
Burns, LaTasha Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences
Burnett, Allyson Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Byrne, Pamela Adjunct Faculty Urban Education byrnep@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Byrd Moye, Johanna Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Borgerson, Jacob Adjunct Faculty Computer Science and Engineering Technology borgersonj@uhd.edu713-221-8441
Bleeker, Kacy Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice bleekerk@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Boveland, Pamela Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences bovelandp@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Bouwens, Mark Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences bouwensm@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Blaimont, Pauline Lecturer Natural Sciences blaimontp@uhd.edu713-221-5350
Birru, MeKonnen Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences birrum@uhd.edu713-221-5746
Bielakowski, Rae Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages bielakowskir@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Blackburn, Ashley Professor Criminal Justice blackburna@uhd.edu713-221-5326
Bjork, Olin Associate Professor English bjorko@uhd.edu713-223-7925
Buck, Clifford Adjunct Faculty Urban Education
Bryant, Pearl Adjunct Faculty Social Work bryantp@uhd.edu713-221-8568
Bugg, Robert Adjunct Faculty English buggr@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Buckler, Kevin Professor Criminal Justice bucklerk@uhd.edu713-221-2733
Brown, Houston Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences brownhs@uhd.edu713-221-8487
Brandi, Eduardo Lecturer English brandie@uhd.edu713-221-2706
Bowden, Gabriela Associate Professor Natural Sciences bowdenm@uhd.edu713-222-5313
Brazell, Jana Adjunct Faculty Urban Education brazellj@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Branham, David Professor Social Sciences branhamd@uhd.edu713-221-8208
Canedo, Julio Associate Professor Management canedosotoj@uhd.edu713-226-5247
Chatman, Timberlin Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences
Chan, Youn-Sha Professor Mathematics and Statistics chany@uhd.edu713-221-8414
Berry, Maria Adjunct Faculty Social Work chavezberrym@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Chaubal, Vaishali Senior Lecturer Natural Sciences chaubalv@uhd.edu713-221-8171
Chadha, Anita Associate Professor Social Sciences chadhaa@uhd.edu713-221-2769
Cekrezi, Esmeralda Adjunct Faculty Urban Education cekrezie@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Cedillos, Cesar Adjunct Faculty Management cedillosc@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Cesarco Eglin, Laura Assistant Professor English cesarcoeglinl@uhd.edu713-221-8120
Cervenka, Mark Professor Arts and Communication cervenkam@uhd.edu713-221-8043
Choudhuri, Sucheta Associate Professor English choudhuris@uhd.edu713-226-5582
Cho, Kit Associate Professor Social Sciences chok@uhd.edu713-221-8941
Cilekci, Aktug Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics cilekcia@uhd.edu713-221-5876
Chu, Kam Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences chuk@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Chiquillo, Raquel Professor History, Humanities and Languages chiquillor@uhd.edu713-221-2743
Chen, Irene Linlin Professor Urban Education cheni@uhd.edu713-221-8038
Cheeks, Jamal Adjunct Faculty Management cheeksj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Chiotti, Jennifer Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice chiottij@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Cherbonnier, Mary Adjunct Faculty Urban Education cherbonnierm@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Caro, Jason Professor Social Sciences caroj@uhd.edu713-221-2784
Capuozzo, Kristen Senior Lecturer Social Sciences capuozzok@uhd.edu713-221-8961
Carson, Gary Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain carsong@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Carrillo, Gabriel Adjunct Faculty Urban Education carrillog@uhd.edu713-221-2759
Cao, Qing (Ray) Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain caoq@uhd.edu713-221-2747
Cantalamessa, Elizabeth Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages
Cannaday, Bradley Lecturer Management cannadaym@uhd.edu713-221-8252
Cantu, Carlos Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages cantuc@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Cantu, Aleha Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences cantua@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Cea, Norma Adjunct Faculty Urban Education cean@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Castro, Esther Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management castroe@uhd.edu713-226-5248
Cedeno, Luis Senior Lecturer Accounting and International Business cedenol@uhd.edu713-221-8135
Ceciliano-Navarro, Yajaira Assistant Professor Social Sciences cecilianonavarroy@uhd.edu713-221-5043
Casteel, Jessie Lecturer English casteelj@uhd.edu713-221-5041
Carter, Matthew Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice
Carter, Debra Adjunct Faculty Urban Education carterd@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Case, Theresa Professor History, Humanities and Languages caset@uhd.edu713-221-8958
Cascio, Payal Lecturer Applied Administration casciop@uhd.edu713-226-5334
Bichler, Aimee Lecturer Natural Sciences bichlera@uhd.edu713-221-8544
Abraham, Nissi Adjunct Faculty Natural Sciences abrahamn@uhd.edu713-221-8140
Abou-Saad, Ibrahim Adjunct Faculty Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management abousaadi@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Adler, Ayden Associate Professor Arts and Communication adlera@uhd.edu713-221-7939
Acuna Rojas, Pedro Assistant Professor History, Humanities and Languages acunarojasp@uhd.edu713-221-8173
Zhou, Zehai Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management zhouz@uhd.edu713-222-5376
Verma, Rahul Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management vermar@uhd.edu713-221-8590
Usnick, Lee Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain usnickl@uhd.edu713-221-8135
Wicmandy, Michelle Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain wicmandym@uhd.edu713-223-7947
Wadhwa, Darshan Professor Accounting and International Business wadhwad@uhd.edu713-221-8517
Alford, Beverly Associate Professor Urban Education alfordb@uhd.edu713-222-5325
Alexander, Raven Adjunct Faculty Management alexanderra@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Allen, Austin Associate Professor History, Humanities and Languages allena@uhd.edu713-221-5217
Allaire, Franklin Associate Professor Urban Education allairef@uhd.edu713-221-5839
Albrecht, Sarah Assistant Professor Urban Education albrechts@uhd.edu713-222-5384
Agboka, Godwin Professor English agbokag@uhd.edu713-223-7920
Adodo, Talawa Adjunct Faculty History, Humanities and Languages adodot@uhd.edu713-221-5855
Akins, Casey Lecturer Criminal Justice akinsc@uhd.edu713-221-8039
Ahmed, Zafor Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management ahmedz@uhd.edu713-222-5368
Islam, Anisul Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management islama@uhd.edu713-221-8914
Hashemi, Shohreh Associate Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management hashemis@uhd.edu713-221-8597
Kohlhausen, Donna Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain kohlhausend@uhd.edu713-221-8180
Kennebrew, Daniel Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain kennebrewd@uhd.edu713-221-8112
Gleason, Kimberly Senior Lecturer General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain gleasonk@uhd.edu713-222-5322
Bentley, Joseph Adjunct Faculty Management
Ali, Syed Senior Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management alisy@uhd.edu713-221-8933
Drake, Brian Adjunct Faculty Management
Deo, Prakash Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management deop@uhd.edu713-222-5377
Penkar, Samuel Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management penkars@uhd.edu713-221-8965
Pence, Diana Associate Professor Accounting and International Business penced@uhd.edu713-221-8456
Tannous, Steven Lecturer Management tannouss@uhd.edu713-221-8261
Smith, Charles Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management smithc@uhd.edu713-221-8526
Pelaez, Rolando Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management pelaezr@uhd.edu713-221-8577
Luna, Carlos Adjunct Faculty Management Lunac@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Lewis, Charles Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business lewisc@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Nealy, Chynette Professor General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain nealyc@uhd.edu713-222-5367
Manrique, Justo Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management manriquej@uhd.edu713-221-8209
Altamirano, Janet Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences altamiranoj@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Becwar, Michelle Adjunct Faculty Urban Education becwarm@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Beane, Susan Senior Lecturer Mathematics and Statistics beanes@uhd.edu713-223-7938
Belbot, Barbara Adjunct Faculty Criminal Justice belbotb@uhd.edu713-221-5541
Beebe, Ronald Professor Urban Education beeber@uhd.edu713-221-8689
Hernandez, Courtney Assistant Professor Social Sciences baughc@uhd.edu713-221-5807
Baly, Jacqueline Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences balyj@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Baker, Susan Professor Arts and Communication bakers@uhd.edu713-226-5298
Barela, Andrea Adjunct Faculty Urban Education barelaa@uhd.edu713-221-5349
Banos, Tomas Adjunct Faculty Applied Administration banost@uhd.edu713-221-5091
Berry, JOSHUA Adjunct Faculty General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain berryj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Berg, Matthew Adjunct Faculty Management bergm@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Bhalla, Prity Adjunct Faculty English bhallap@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Bevan, Danielle Assistant Professor Urban Education bevand@uhd.edu713-221-5715
Benton, Darius Associate Professor Arts and Communication bentond@uhd.edu713-221-5857
Benavides, Maria Associate Professor Natural Sciences benavidesmar@uhd.edu713-221-8170
Bell, Graham Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication bellg@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Bennett, Sylvia Senior Lecturer Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management bennetts@uhd.edu713-221-8067
Bennett, Elizabeth Adjunct Faculty English bennette@uhd.edu713-221-8013
Aoki, Jon Associate Professor Natural Sciences aokij@uhd.edu713-221-8687
Antenangeli, Leonardo Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences antenangelil@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Archiopoli, Ashley Associate Professor Arts and Communication archiopolia@uhd.edu713-221-5092
Applegate, Michele Adjunct Faculty Urban Education applegatem@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Andrews, Bobbie Adjunct Faculty Social Work andrewsb@uhd.edu713-222-5333
Amezcua, Jesus Adjunct Faculty Accounting and International Business amezcuaj@uhd.edu713-221-8017
Alvarez, Jose' Professor History, Humanities and Languages alvarezj@uhd.edu713-221-8649
Anderson, Kristin Professor Social Sciences andersonk@uhd.edu713-221-8510
Anako, N. Chineye (Chi) Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences anakon@uhd.edu713-221-8014
Babb, Stephanie Professor Social Sciences babbs@uhd.edu713-223-7918
Azubuike, Eric Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences azubuikeer@uhd.edu713-221-8497
Baker-Cano, Sarah Adjunct Faculty Urban Education bakercanos@uhd.edu713-222-5349
Baird, Amy Professor Natural Sciences bairda@uhd.edu713-222-5301
Aykroyd, Shawn Clinical Faculty Urban Education aykroyds@uhd.edu713-221-8519
Askarzadeh, Fatemeh Assistant Professor Management askarzadehf@uhd.edu713-221-8475
Aria, Ray Assistant Professor Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management ariar@uhd.edu713-221-8295
Ayala, Sara Adjunct Faculty Arts and Communication ayalasa@uhd.edu713-221-8104
Auburn, Pamela Adjunct Faculty Social Sciences auburnp@uhd.edu713-221-8961