Bunin, Matthew | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | buninm@uhd.edu | 713-221-8014 |
Bundoc, Kasi | Senior Lecturer | Urban Education | bundock@uhd.edu | 713-221-8665 |
Burleson, Stacey | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | burlesons@uhd.edu | |
Burks, Lizette | Assistant Professor | Urban Education | burksl@uhd.edu | 713-221-8991 |
Guidry, Allyson | Adjunct Faculty | Management | bullocka@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Buie, David | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | buied@uhd.edu | 713-221-8497 |
Bui, Dung | Adjunct Faculty | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | buid@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Bui, Trinh | Lecturer | Mathematics and Statistics | buit@uhd.edu | 713-221-8404 |
Bui, Minh | Adjunct Faculty | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | buim@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Campbell, Matthew | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | campbellm@uhd.edu | |
Calvin, Daphne | Adjunct Faculty | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | calvind@uhd.edu | |
Canady, Byron | Adjunct Faculty | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | canadyb@uhd.edu | |
Campo, Jennifer | Adjunct Faculty | Natural Sciences | campoj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8140 |
Cahoy, Dexter | Professor | Mathematics and Statistics | cahoyd@uhd.edu | 713-221-8117 |
Burns, LaTasha | Adjunct Faculty | Natural Sciences | burnsl@uhd.edu | |
Burnett, Allyson | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | burnetta@uhd.edu | |
Byrne, Pamela | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | byrnep@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Byrd Moye, Johanna | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | byrdmoyej@uhd.edu | |
Borgerson, Jacob | Adjunct Faculty | Computer Science and Engineering Technology | borgersonj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8441 |
Bleeker, Kacy | Adjunct Faculty | Criminal Justice | bleekerk@uhd.edu | 713-221-5541 |
Boveland, Pamela | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | bovelandp@uhd.edu | 713-221-8014 |
Bouwens, Mark | Adjunct Faculty | Natural Sciences | bouwensm@uhd.edu | 713-221-8140 |
Blaimont, Pauline | Lecturer | Natural Sciences | blaimontp@uhd.edu | 713-221-5350 |
Birru, MeKonnen | Adjunct Faculty | Natural Sciences | birrum@uhd.edu | 713-221-5746 |
Bielakowski, Rae | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | bielakowskir@uhd.edu | 713-221-5855 |
Blackburn, Ashley | Professor | Criminal Justice | blackburna@uhd.edu | 713-221-5326 |
Bjork, Olin | Associate Professor | English | bjorko@uhd.edu | 713-223-7925 |
Buck, Clifford | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | buckc@uhd.edu | |
Bryant, Pearl | Adjunct Faculty | Social Work | bryantp@uhd.edu | 713-221-8568 |
Bugg, Robert | Adjunct Faculty | English | buggr@uhd.edu | 713-221-8013 |
Buckler, Kevin | Professor | Criminal Justice | bucklerk@uhd.edu | 713-221-2733 |
Brown, Houston | Senior Lecturer | Natural Sciences | brownhs@uhd.edu | 713-221-8487 |
Brandi, Eduardo | Lecturer | English | brandie@uhd.edu | 713-221-2706 |
Bowden, Gabriela | Associate Professor | Natural Sciences | bowdenm@uhd.edu | 713-222-5313 |
Brazell, Jana | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | brazellj@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Branham, David | Professor | Social Sciences | branhamd@uhd.edu | 713-221-8208 |
Canedo, Julio | Associate Professor | Management | canedosotoj@uhd.edu | 713-226-5247 |
Chatman, Timberlin | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | chatmant@uhd.edu | |
Chan, Youn-Sha | Professor | Mathematics and Statistics | chany@uhd.edu | 713-221-8414 |
Berry, Maria | Adjunct Faculty | Social Work | chavezberrym@uhd.edu | 713-222-5333 |
Chaubal, Vaishali | Senior Lecturer | Natural Sciences | chaubalv@uhd.edu | 713-221-8171 |
Chadha, Anita | Associate Professor | Social Sciences | chadhaa@uhd.edu | 713-221-2769 |
Cekrezi, Esmeralda | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | cekrezie@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Cedillos, Cesar | Adjunct Faculty | Management | cedillosc@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Cesarco Eglin, Laura | Assistant Professor | English | cesarcoeglinl@uhd.edu | 713-221-8120 |
Cervenka, Mark | Professor | Arts and Communication | cervenkam@uhd.edu | 713-221-8043 |
Choudhuri, Sucheta | Associate Professor | English | choudhuris@uhd.edu | 713-226-5582 |
Cho, Kit | Associate Professor | Social Sciences | chok@uhd.edu | 713-221-8941 |
Cilekci, Aktug | Lecturer | Mathematics and Statistics | cilekcia@uhd.edu | 713-221-5876 |
Chu, Kam | Adjunct Faculty | Natural Sciences | chuk@uhd.edu | 713-221-8140 |
Chiquillo, Raquel | Professor | History, Humanities and Languages | chiquillor@uhd.edu | 713-221-2743 |
Chen, Irene Linlin | Professor | Urban Education | cheni@uhd.edu | 713-221-8038 |
Cheeks, Jamal | Adjunct Faculty | Management | cheeksj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Chiotti, Jennifer | Adjunct Faculty | Criminal Justice | chiottij@uhd.edu | 713-221-5541 |
Cherbonnier, Mary | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | cherbonnierm@uhd.edu | 713-221-2759 |
Caro, Jason | Professor | Social Sciences | caroj@uhd.edu | 713-221-2784 |
Capuozzo, Kristen | Senior Lecturer | Social Sciences | capuozzok@uhd.edu | 713-221-8961 |
Carson, Gary | Adjunct Faculty | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | carsong@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Carrillo, Gabriel | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | carrillog@uhd.edu | 713-221-2759 |
Cao, Qing (Ray) | Professor | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | caoq@uhd.edu | 713-221-2747 |
Cantalamessa, Elizabeth | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | cantalamessae@uhd.edu | |
Cannaday, Bradley | Lecturer | Management | cannadaym@uhd.edu | 713-221-8252 |
Cantu, Carlos | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | cantuc@uhd.edu | 713-221-5855 |
Cantu, Aleha | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | cantua@uhd.edu | 713-221-8014 |
Cea, Norma | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | cean@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Castro, Esther | Associate Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | castroe@uhd.edu | 713-226-5248 |
Cedeno, Luis | Senior Lecturer | Accounting and International Business | cedenol@uhd.edu | 713-221-8135 |
Ceciliano-Navarro, Yajaira | Assistant Professor | Social Sciences | cecilianonavarroy@uhd.edu | 713-221-5043 |
Casteel, Jessie | Lecturer | English | casteelj@uhd.edu | 713-221-5041 |
Carter, Matthew | Adjunct Faculty | Criminal Justice | carterma@uhd.edu | |
Carter, Debra | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | carterd@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Case, Theresa | Professor | History, Humanities and Languages | caset@uhd.edu | 713-221-8958 |
Cascio, Payal | Lecturer | Applied Administration | casciop@uhd.edu | 713-226-5334 |
Bichler, Aimee | Lecturer | Natural Sciences | bichlera@uhd.edu | 713-221-8544 |
Abraham, Nissi | Adjunct Faculty | Natural Sciences | abrahamn@uhd.edu | 713-221-8140 |
Abou-Saad, Ibrahim | Adjunct Faculty | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | abousaadi@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Adler, Ayden | Associate Professor | Arts and Communication | adlera@uhd.edu | 713-221-7939 |
Acuna Rojas, Pedro | Assistant Professor | History, Humanities and Languages | acunarojasp@uhd.edu | 713-221-8173 |
Zhou, Zehai | Associate Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | zhouz@uhd.edu | 713-222-5376 |
Verma, Rahul | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | vermar@uhd.edu | 713-221-8590 |
Usnick, Lee | Professor | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | usnickl@uhd.edu | 713-221-8135 |
Wicmandy, Michelle | Adjunct Faculty | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | wicmandym@uhd.edu | 713-223-7947 |
Wadhwa, Darshan | Professor | Accounting and International Business | wadhwad@uhd.edu | 713-221-8517 |
Alford, Beverly | Associate Professor | Urban Education | alfordb@uhd.edu | 713-222-5325 |
Alexander, Raven | Adjunct Faculty | Management | alexanderra@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Allen, Austin | Associate Professor | History, Humanities and Languages | allena@uhd.edu | 713-221-5217 |
Allaire, Franklin | Associate Professor | Urban Education | allairef@uhd.edu | 713-221-5839 |
Albrecht, Sarah | Assistant Professor | Urban Education | albrechts@uhd.edu | 713-222-5384 |
Agboka, Godwin | Professor | English | agbokag@uhd.edu | 713-223-7920 |
Adodo, Talawa | Adjunct Faculty | History, Humanities and Languages | adodot@uhd.edu | 713-221-5855 |
Akins, Casey | Lecturer | Criminal Justice | akinsc@uhd.edu | 713-221-8039 |
Ahmed, Zafor | Assistant Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | ahmedz@uhd.edu | 713-222-5368 |
Islam, Anisul | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | islama@uhd.edu | 713-221-8914 |
Hashemi, Shohreh | Associate Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | hashemis@uhd.edu | 713-221-8597 |
Kohlhausen, Donna | Senior Lecturer | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | kohlhausend@uhd.edu | 713-221-8180 |
Kennebrew, Daniel | Adjunct Faculty | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | kennebrewd@uhd.edu | 713-221-8112 |
Gleason, Kimberly | Senior Lecturer | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | gleasonk@uhd.edu | 713-222-5322 |
Bentley, Joseph | Adjunct Faculty | Management | bentleyj@uhd.edu | |
Ali, Syed | Senior Lecturer | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | alisy@uhd.edu | 713-221-8933 |
Drake, Brian | Adjunct Faculty | Management | drakeb@uhd.edu | |
Deo, Prakash | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | deop@uhd.edu | 713-222-5377 |
Penkar, Samuel | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | penkars@uhd.edu | 713-221-8965 |
Pence, Diana | Associate Professor | Accounting and International Business | penced@uhd.edu | 713-221-8456 |
Tannous, Steven | Lecturer | Management | tannouss@uhd.edu | 713-221-8261 |
Smith, Charles | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | smithc@uhd.edu | 713-221-8526 |
Pelaez, Rolando | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | pelaezr@uhd.edu | 713-221-8577 |
Luna, Carlos | Adjunct Faculty | Management | Lunac@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Lewis, Charles | Adjunct Faculty | Accounting and International Business | lewisc@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Nealy, Chynette | Professor | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | nealyc@uhd.edu | 713-222-5367 |
Manrique, Justo | Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | manriquej@uhd.edu | 713-221-8209 |
Altamirano, Janet | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | altamiranoj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8497 |
Becwar, Michelle | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | becwarm@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Beane, Susan | Senior Lecturer | Mathematics and Statistics | beanes@uhd.edu | 713-223-7938 |
Belbot, Barbara | Adjunct Faculty | Criminal Justice | belbotb@uhd.edu | 713-221-5541 |
Beebe, Ronald | Professor | Urban Education | beeber@uhd.edu | 713-221-8689 |
Hernandez, Courtney | Assistant Professor | Social Sciences | baughc@uhd.edu | 713-221-5807 |
Baly, Jacqueline | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | balyj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8014 |
Baker, Susan | Professor | Arts and Communication | bakers@uhd.edu | 713-226-5298 |
Barela, Andrea | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | barelaa@uhd.edu | 713-221-5349 |
Banos, Tomas | Adjunct Faculty | Applied Administration | banost@uhd.edu | 713-221-5091 |
Berry, JOSHUA | Adjunct Faculty | General Business, Marketing and Supply Chain | berryj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Berg, Matthew | Adjunct Faculty | Management | bergm@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Bhalla, Prity | Adjunct Faculty | English | bhallap@uhd.edu | 713-221-8013 |
Bevan, Danielle | Assistant Professor | Urban Education | bevand@uhd.edu | 713-221-5715 |
Benton, Darius | Associate Professor | Arts and Communication | bentond@uhd.edu | 713-221-5857 |
Benavides, Maria | Associate Professor | Natural Sciences | benavidesmar@uhd.edu | 713-221-8170 |
Bell, Graham | Adjunct Faculty | Arts and Communication | bellg@uhd.edu | 713-221-8104 |
Bennett, Sylvia | Senior Lecturer | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | bennetts@uhd.edu | 713-221-8067 |
Bennett, Elizabeth | Adjunct Faculty | English | bennette@uhd.edu | 713-221-8013 |
Aoki, Jon | Associate Professor | Natural Sciences | aokij@uhd.edu | 713-221-8687 |
Antenangeli, Leonardo | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | antenangelil@uhd.edu | 713-221-8014 |
Archiopoli, Ashley | Associate Professor | Arts and Communication | archiopolia@uhd.edu | 713-221-5092 |
Applegate, Michele | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | applegatem@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Andrews, Bobbie | Adjunct Faculty | Social Work | andrewsb@uhd.edu | 713-222-5333 |
Amezcua, Jesus | Adjunct Faculty | Accounting and International Business | amezcuaj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8017 |
Alvarez, Jose' | Professor | History, Humanities and Languages | alvarezj@uhd.edu | 713-221-8649 |
Anderson, Kristin | Professor | Social Sciences | andersonk@uhd.edu | 713-221-8510 |
Anako, N. Chineye (Chi) | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | anakon@uhd.edu | 713-221-8014 |
Babb, Stephanie | Professor | Social Sciences | babbs@uhd.edu | 713-223-7918 |
Azubuike, Eric | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | azubuikeer@uhd.edu | 713-221-8497 |
Baker-Cano, Sarah | Adjunct Faculty | Urban Education | bakercanos@uhd.edu | 713-222-5349 |
Baird, Amy | Professor | Natural Sciences | bairda@uhd.edu | 713-222-5301 |
Aykroyd, Shawn | Clinical Faculty | Urban Education | aykroyds@uhd.edu | 713-221-8519 |
Askarzadeh, Fatemeh | Assistant Professor | Management | askarzadehf@uhd.edu | 713-221-8475 |
Aria, Ray | Assistant Professor | Finance, Information Systems, Economics, and Risk Management | ariar@uhd.edu | 713-221-8295 |
Ayala, Sara | Adjunct Faculty | Arts and Communication | ayalasa@uhd.edu | 713-221-8104 |
Auburn, Pamela | Adjunct Faculty | Social Sciences | auburnp@uhd.edu | 713-221-8961 |