Career Assessment
Student exploring career options at a career event
Career Assessment
There a variety of ways to reflect on your attributes and how they are related to potential career options. Complete assessments and schedule a meeting with your career counselor to discuss the results.
Focus 2 Career: Click on "Register". Enter access code: UHD Gators.
Watch this video about Focus2 for more information!
Personality, Interest and Values fit with potential careers:
MyNextMove Interest assessment with different kinds of careers you want to explore.
PrincetonReview Career styles (Expediting, Communicating, Planning, Administrating) with potential careers.
HumanMetrics Personality assessment with in-depth descriptions of your type.
Find Your Calling Find out your professional role within a particular industry.
StrengthsQuest ($19.99): This assessment of strengths gives students the opportunity to develop strengths by building on their greatest talents -the way in which they most naturally think, feel, and behave as unique individuals.
MBTI ($49.95): Strengths, tendencies, perspective, decision-making style, communication style... These are all components of your nature: who you are. And when you really know yourself, possibilities open—in your job, your relationships, your life. With MBTI insights you don’t just understand and appreciate yourself better; you understand and appreciate others better as well.
Activate and set up your Jobs4Gators account profile to schedule a 30 minute appointment today!