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Romo Collection Exhibition

Crow Helps Whale to the Sea, or How Bear Lost Fire,The art in the exhibi􀀌on originates from the collection of Drs. Harriet and Ricardo Romo of San Antonio, Texas, long􀀌me collectors of Latnix and other art. This is the gallery's second exhibit curated from works gi􀀣ed to UHD by Harriet and Ricardo Romo. The first held last January featured the work of Latnix artists as part of Latino Art Now!, the 2019 Houston city-wide celebration of Latnix art and culture. Encompassing a broader range of artists represented within the Romo collection, the current exhibition affords an opportunity to view a second selection of works before their placement around the UHD campus. Ricardo and his wife Harriet have been recognized for their philanthropy in the arts. Over the past 20 years they have donated nearly 2,000 Latino art prints and paintings to a dozen museums, including The McNay Museum, The Smithsonian, The Wiite Museum, The University of Texas Benson Latin American Collec􀀌on, Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio Museum of Art, Say Si!, The University of Houston Downtown, Progreso Library in Uvalde, The University of Texas-San Antonio, San Antonio Public Library, and St. Phillips College.

Dr. Ricardo Romo is a graduate of the University of Texas, but received his PhD at UCLA in urban history. He is author of East of Los Angles: History of a Barrio, making him an expert on the diverse cultures that produced the work he and his wife have been collecting from early on. Dr. Romo returned to Texas to teach history at UT Aus􀀌n and later served from 1999 to 2017 as President of the University of Texas, San Antonio.

Dr. Harrie􀀗 Romo holds a PhD in sociology from the University of California, San Diego. She also ended up at the University of Texas, San Antonio where she was Director of the UTSA Child and Adolescent Policy Research Ins􀀌tute since 2005 and the Director of the UTSA Mexico Center since 2006 until her retirement this past August. Her textbook Race and Ethnic Rela􀀜ons in America is a standard in college classrooms. Dr. Romo has always valued art as a powerful cultural expression