This message is sent from the Office of the Provost to all faculty.

Good morning,
As many of you know, UHD has been engaged with the National Institute for Student Success (NISS) for the past 18 months. The NISS conducted an analysis of our institutional student success practices and delivered a "Diagnostic Analysis & Playbook" in Summer 2022. Since then, many of you have actively participated in the work recommended by the NISS, including increased activity in the Early Alert process and development and use of multiple cost-saving mechanisms for students like low or no-cost textbooks through programs like GTAP.
The NISS has observed the positive outcomes to date and invited UHD to apply for a NISS Acceleration Grant to further fund student success work over the next two years.
To that end, the NISS is conducting a site visit of UHD on Wednesday, November 15 and we invite you to attend the Opening Address & Project Overview from 9-9:30am in the Milam/Travis Rooms. If you are unable to attend in person, we also have a Zoom link available:
Topic: ZOOM- NISS: President Opening Address- Introduction & Project Overview
Meeting ID: 845 8341 7361
Passcode: uhdgator
I want to thank you for your continued commitment to the success of our students. Faculty are the heart of all that we do to provide a holistic academic ecosystem in which students are retained, thrive, and graduate.
Deborah E. Bordelon
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost