This message is sent from the Office of the Provost to all faculty, deans and associates.

Dear Faculty,
As we move quickly toward our full Canvas launch (with training deadline of October 16), please take advantage of support activities being offered by some of your colleagues who participated in the Spring 2023 pilot of Canvas—a flyer is attached. You may also have heard from other pilot colleagues directly. Please avail yourself of as many of these options as your schedule permits!
We would also like to announce that our great colleagues in the CTLE have put together a new section of their website for UHD Canvas Best Practices, where they are highlighting some amazing in-house Canvas resources:
- a new CTLE Canvas Template (available for download in the Canvas Commons) that you are encouraged to access and use as you build your own courses in Canvas
- select course components (sample courses) from UHD faculty that are also accessible in the Canvas Commons
- videos on various aspects of teaching with Canvas as created by your faculty colleagues
For assistance with using or accessing the materials at the UHD Canvas Best Practices site, visit with a CTLE Instructional Designer!
We also remind you that accessibility remains a top priority for our course materials—all materials in any published Canvas course are counted in average Ally scores (even if they are still unpublished to the students). For help with accessibility, please take a look at some of our online Ally resources and reach out to CTLE, TTLC, or Accessible Education Center staff with questions.
Michelle Moosally
AVP, Programming and Curriculum