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Dr. Christal Gooding Burnett-Sánchez, Ed.D

Dr. Christal Gooding Burnett-Sánchez, Ed.D

Dr. Christal Gooding Burnett-Sánchez, Ed.D

Associate ProfessorUrban Education


Curriculum Vitae

My academic and research interests include topics related to the improvement of the educational experiences and opportunities of minoritized individuals. Of particular interest is the educational experiences of bilingual learners and Latinos, and family involvement in education.

Degrees Earned

Columbia University Doctor of Education International Education Development: Bilingual Education and Families and Communities

Stanford University Master of Arts Education: Language Learning and Policy

Carnegie Mellon University Bachelor of Arts Spanish

Courses Taught

EDL 5320 Family, School, & Community Engagement

EDL 5330 School Law & Ethics

MAT 6380 Practicum for Urban Teachers

MAT 6390 Directed Study in Urban Teaching

SOSE 3306 Culture of the Urban School

Experience Qualifications

Teacher educators respond to the social and emotional needs of their students in urban schools. Presentation at the European Education Research Association's ECER Education and Transition Conference-Contributions from Educational Research Conference, Budapest, Hungary.

Transformative learning: Preservice teachers becoming reflective practitioners through the utilization of technology tools. In Janice L. Nath & Irene Chen. (Eds.) Technology in the classroom: For now and the future. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Opening the door to family involvement. New Teacher Advocate, 22(1), 4-5.