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Academic Adjustment Evaluation Committee FY24


This committee's duties are described in the SAM 01.D.09-Academic Adjustments/Auxiliary Aids Policy found through the Accessible Education Center policy page. It is charged with conducting individualized evaluations of students' files and approving requests for appropriate academic accommodations/auxiliary aids.


This committee is appointed by the Provost, who also designates the Chair of the committee. The committee is composed of four faculty members (one from each academic college) and the Director of Accessible Education Center as an ex-officio member. At least two of the committee members will have professional expertise in relevant areas, e.g., ADAA, Rehabilitation Act, learning disorders, sensory disorders, special education, etc.


Name Role Representation Voting Term Ends
Lizette Burks Member Faculty Member, College of Public Service Yes August 14, 2025
Stephen Miller Member Faculty Member, Marilyn Davies College of Business Yes August 14, 2025
Sharin Elkholy Member Faculty Member, College of Humanities & Social Sciences Yes August 14, 2025
Eszter Trufan Member Faculty Member, College of Sciences & Technology Yes August 14, 2025
Hope Pamplin Convener Director of Accessible Education Center Yes N/A