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Apply for Services

Application Process with the Accessible Education Center:

  • Step 1: You must be enrolled and registered for classes at the University of Houston-Downtown.
  • Step 2: Visit the Accessible Education Center website and click the apply for services tab. Submit your application.
  • Step 3: Attach your required documentation to your application. View Documentation Guidelines
  • Step 4: Wait for your application to be reviewed.
  • Step 5: Attend your intake meeting.
Three UHD students sharing a laptop


Registering with the Accessible Education Center

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working. In order to receive assistance from the Accessible Education Center, the student must have a documented disability.

Students seeking to register with the AEC must provide disability-related documentation from an appropriate licensed professional (details of documentation requirements are provided to each student by the AEC and available on the Documentation Guidelines page).

The submitted disability-related documentation should clearly identify the nature of the disability, as well the effects of the disability on a student's daily functioning. This documentation will allow the AEC staff to determine appropriate and reasonable academic adjustment/auxiliary aids. After submitting the documentation (whether adequate or inadequate), the AEC will contact the student to either schedule an appointment/interview or request additional information.



Academic Adjustments & Services

Academic adjustments are adjustments to academic environments, including facilities, services, and equipment, that allow students to have equal access to their academic program and equal opportunity to pursue their academic goals. These adjustments include, but are not limited to:

  • Assistive listening devices
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Extended time for examinations or assignments
  • Specialized computer software
  • Alternative media
  • Assistance with lecture notes
  • Adaptive equipment
  • Alternative examination strategies
  • Disability related counseling
  • Advocacy services