UHD / Student Success and Student Life / Student Success Initiatives / Office of Disability Services / Documentation Guidelines
Documentation Guidelines
Documentation Guidelines
The Office of Disability Services recently updated the documentation guidelines. This change is now being reflected below. The previous guidelines are no longer current. If you have questions about the current Documentation Guidelines please contact our office. Thank you.
To receive accommodations, students must provide the Accessible Education Center (AEC) with documentation of their disability supporting the need for accommodations.
- Diagnosis of your disability from a qualified professional.
- Documentation must be completed by a qualified professional with appropriate licensure/certification.
- Documentation should include a date and signature from your provider.
- Documentation should be on letterhead from your provider, if not typed, Release of Information may be needed.
- Documentation should be current/most recent.
- A description of how your diagnosis impacts major life functioning (hearing, speaking, learning, etc.) in the academic setting.
- Include an evaluation report (if applicable)-This usually includes individuals who have a diagnosis of Learning Disability, ADHD, Autism, etc.
- Documentation should include a DSM-V or ICD diagnosis.
- Documentation should be current (within the last 3-5 years).
- Documentation should be typed on letterhead from your provider.