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Dr. Yingchun Wang

Dr. Yingchun Wang

Dr. Yingchun Wang

Associate ProfessorManagement
SSB B418


Discipline: Management

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior Carlson School of Management University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities

Courses Taught

Undergraduate courses:

MGT 3301: Management of Organizations / Principles of Management

Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown

MGT 3302: Human Resource Management

Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown

MGT 3306: Compensation Management

Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown

HRIR 3031: Staffing and Selection: Strategic and Operational Concerns

Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

HRIR 3032: Training and Development: Theory and Application

Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Graduate Courses:

GBA 5202: Foundations of Management Theory

MBA Program, Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown

MBA 6209: Human Resources Management

MBA Program, Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown

MBA 6336: Compensation and Benefits

MBA Program, Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Wang has previous work experience in small high-tech business and multiple large multinational companies. The business functions she worked for include HRM, finance, and marketing. She also consulted on project related to employee compensation.

More Information

Research and Creative Interests:

Strategic Human Resource Management
Employee Training & Development

Dr. Wang's doctoral training enables her to teach and conduct research in human resource management (HRM) with a multidisciplinary approach. Her background in business management, economics and psychology greatly deepens her understanding in HRM, as economic calculations, strategic consideration, and individual psychological processes are all indispensable to HRM strategic decisions and operations.

Her research interests include compensation, strategic human resource management, and employee training and development. Her research has been published in academic and practitioner journals including Human Resource Management Review and the National Bureau of Economic Research working paper series. Her research projects have been funded by the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation (2009 SHRM foundation Doctoral Dissertation Award) and the University of Minnesota. And her work on employee compensation was reported by The New York Times.