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Dr. Tammis Thomas

Dr. Tammis Thomas

Dr. Tammis Thomas

Professor of EnglishEnglish
OMB S1031


Dr. Thomas publishes and teaches predominantly in the fields of Gender Studies and Holocaust Studies, with an emphasis on German and British literary and cultural traditions. She is a long-time member of the faculty steering committee for UHD's Gender Studies Conference and is also active in UHD's Honors Program. Dr. Thomas came to UHD in 1995 as an assistant professor and was awarded tenure in 2001. She was promoted to full professor in 2011.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Buffalo

M.A. in Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Buffalo

B.A. Plan II Honors Program, University of Texas at Austin

Courses Taught

English 4350 Advanced Gender Studies: Masculinity and Nationalism in

German and English Literature (1750-1918)

English 4350 Advanced Gender Studies: Gender Performance in

Early Modern English Literature and Culture (1500-1800)

English 3350 Gender Studies: Gender Construction in the European

Fairy Tale

English 3350 Gender Studies: The Image of Man: Masculinity and Its


English 3340 Cultural Criticism: National Socialism and the Holocaust

English 3340 Cultural Criticism: The Problem of Evil

English 3312 Studies in Fiction: Post-World War II German Literature

English 2314 Survey of British Literature: 1800 to Present

English 2313 Survey of British Literature: Beginnings to 1800

English 2305 Literature and Culture: The European Fairy Tale

UHD 1304 Freshman Seminar: Grimms' Fairy Tales

English 1301 Composition I

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Thomas has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, with coursework emphasizing the comparative and theoretical study of German and British literature. Her scholarship focuses on literary representations of Auschwitz, German nationalism, German masculinity, Grimms' fairy tales, and British vampiric literature. Her most recent peer-reviewed publication focuses on queer masculinity and German nationalism in Grimms' "Rumpelstiltskin." Throughout her career, she has presented her work at national and international conferences. Dr. Thomas teaches upper-division courses on the Holocaust, German masculinity, the European fairy tale, and British fiction, as well as sophomore survey courses in British literature. She also teaches freshman seminars in UHD's Honors Program. She is the recipient of several organized research and faculty development grants. Most recently, she was awarded a faculty development grant to conduct course-based research at the Topography of Terror Documentation Center in Berlin, Germany.

Prior to coming to UHD, Dr. Thomas taught in New York's Educational Opportunity Program, and she has continued to focus on facilitating equal access to academic success, with an emphasis on first-year, first-generation college students. Her expertise is bolstered by numerous conference presentations on promoting the success of first-year students, as well as an active participation in national and university-level grants aimed at increasing the retention and academic success of first-year students who are the first members of their families to attend college. Dr. Thomas's expertise in freshman composition includes editing two writing textbooks, as well as numerous conference presentations on developmental and college-level writing.