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Dr. Sylvia Kathleen Bennett

Dr. Sylvia Kathleen Bennett

Dr. Sylvia Kathleen Bennett

LecturerFinance, Information Systems, Economics and Risk Management
SSB B470


With a broad-ranging professional background spanning 30 years, Sylvia Bennett joined the faculty of MDCOB in July 2017 after retiring from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas with 16 plus years of service. At the Dallas Fed, Sylvia was the Lead Auditor responsible for supervising audits and developing economic risk assessments for several Federal Reserve functions, including Economic Research, Monetary Policy, Statistical Reporting and Bank Supervision and Regulation. During her tenure with the Federal Reserve System Sylvia was the leader of System-wide Audit Competency Centers for the following functions Economic Research, Statistical Reporting, Reserves Management and Credit Risk Management. In this leadership capacity, Sylvia directed activities of audit representatives from the 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors.

Prior to joining the Federal Reserve, Sylvia was an Economist for ExxonMobil Corporation where she was responsible for developing economic analyses to support Exxon's interest on various litigations. Sylvia's background also includes a stint as Revenue Estimating Specialist for the Texas State Comptroller's Office, where she had responsibility for estimating revenues from the hotel occupancy tax and the state franchise tax. Sylvia has held adjunct teaching positions at Texas Southern University, Houston Community College, Houston Baptist University and Trinity University (San Antonio).

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Rice University, Houston

Major Economics

M.A, Rice University, Houston

Major Economics

BA, Rice University, Houston

Major Managerial Studies

Minors Legal Studies

Courses Taught

Communication for Finance

Investment Statistics

Managerial Economics

Principles of Microeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics

Risk Management

Experience Qualifications


  • Certified Financial Services Auditor

  • Certified Internal Auditor

  • Certified Information Systems Auditor

  • Certification in Risk Management