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Dr. Susan Henney

Dr. Susan Henney

Dr. Susan Henney

Professor of Psychology Social Sciences
OMB N1072


Dr. Henney is a research psychologist and developmental psychologist who holds a Ph.D. (2000) from the University of Texas. Dr. Henney is currently a professor of psychology at the University of Houston-Downtown, and she also teaches in the Health and Behavioral Sciences program. She teaches courses in child development, adolescent development, theories of personality, medical case management, health policy, and a graduate course in volunteer management. Dr. Henney's research focuses on volunteerism, with particular emphasis on voluntary versus involuntary forms of volunteerism and development of volunteerism across the lifespan. She also studies parenting, with particular emphasis on public parenting behaviors. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family Psychology, Families in Society, Adoption Quarterly, and Journal of Personal and Social Relationships. Her latest book is The Development of Community Engagement from Infancy to Adulthood. Dr. Henney has been a Policy Intern at the Child Welfare League of America in Washington, D.C., a caseworker for Texas Child Protective Services, and a trainer for the Texas Protective Services Training Institute. Dr. Henney was the 2012 winner of the UHD Excellence in Teaching award and the 2016 winner of the UHD Excellence in Service award.

Degrees Earned

2000 Ph.D. in Child Development and Family Relationships, The University of Texas

1994 M.A. in Clinical/Counseling Psychology, Southern Methodist University

1990 B.A. in Psychology and Government, The University of Texas

Courses Taught

PSY 3303: Child Psychology
PSY 3305: Adolescent Psychology
PSY 4306: Theories of Personality
PSY 4380: Field Exp. in Psychology
PSY 4395: Special Projects in Psychology
HEA 2303: Medical Terminology
HEA 3301: Medical Case Management
HEA 4301: Special Projects in Psychology
HEA 4302: Health Policy and Politics
HEA 4303: Ethics for Healthcare Professionals

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Henney holds a M.A. in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (including clinical practicum rotations) from Southern Methodist University and a Ph.D. in Child Development and Family Relationships from the University of Texas at Austin. She also completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at the UT School of Social Work. Dr. Henney has been a Policy Intern at the Child Welfare League of America in Washington, D.C., a caseworker for Child Protective Services, and a trainer for the Texas Protective Services Training Institute. Dr. Henney is the 2012 winner of the University of Houston-Downtown Excellence in Teaching award. Dr. Henney's research focuses on adoption (with particular concentration on the experiences of birth mothers), volunteerism, and parenting (with particular emphasis on public parenting behaviors).

Teaching Experience:

2005-present, University of Houston-Downtown, Professor of Psychology

2004-2005, Worcester State College, Assistant Professor, Developmental Psychology

More Information

Selected Publications:


Henney, S. M., & Hackett, J. D. (2019). The Development of Community Engagement from Infancy to Adulthood. London: Routledge.


Henney, S. M., Hackett, J., & Porreca, M. R. (2017). Involuntary volunteerism: What happens when you require students to "do good?" Journal of Service Learning in Higher Education, 6, 49-61

French, C. A., Henney, S. M, Ayers-Lopez, S., McRoy, R. G., & Grotevant, H. (2014). Birth mothers' perspectives on their relationship with the birth father 12-20 years after adoption. Journal of Family Issues, 35(5), 579-600.

Henney, S. M., French, C. A., Ayers-Lopez, S., McRoy, R. G., & Grotevant, H. D. (2011). Postplacement relationships between birth mothers and their romantic partners. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(4), 620-624.

Ayers-Lopez, S., Henney, S. M., McRoy, R., Hanna, M., & Grotevant, H. (2008). Openness in adoption and the impact on birthmother plans for search and reunion. Families in Society, 89(4), 1-11.

Henney, S. M., Ayers-Lopez, S., McRoy, R., & Grotevant, H. (2007). Evolution and resolution: Birthmothers' experience of grief and loss at different levels of adoption openness. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships, 24(6), 875-889.