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Dr. Sergiy Koshkin

Dr. Sergiy Koshkin

Dr. Sergiy Koshkin

Assistant ProfessorMathematics and Statistics
OMB S762


I received my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Kansas State University (KSU) in 2006. In my thesis, I studied geometric variational problems that appear in quantum chromodynamics, the theory of strong interactions.

During my stay at KSU I was a graduate teaching assistant and taught a number of undergraduate mathematics courses from College Algebra to Differential Equations.

In 2006 - 2009 I held a postdoctoral position of Boas assistant professor at Northwestern University, where I had an opportunity to extend my experience to teaching Finite Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Foundations of Mathematics, the gateway course for math majors, and even a graduate course. In all courses I taught at Northwestern I developed all lesson plans and assignments, wrote and graded tests, and assigned grades.

Degrees Earned

  • PH.D. Mathematics, Kansas State University
  • M.S. Applied Mathematics , National Technical University of Ukraine

Courses Taught

  • MATH 1306: Fund of Cal with Applications
  • MATH 2403: Calculus III
  • MATH 4303: Intro Topology Functional Anal
  • MATH 4312: History of Applied Math
  • MATH 4396: Senior Thesis

Experience Qualifications

Graduate Coursework:

  • MATH 896: Topic, Algebra Topology
  • MATH 996: Topic, Topology
  • MATH 896: Topic, Mathematics
  • MATH 821: Real Analysis I
  • MATH 822: Real Analysis II

More Information


(with V. Jovanovic) The Ritz method with Lagrange multipliers. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling (2014), to appear.

Positive semigroups and abstract Lyapunov equations. Positivity (2014), DOI 10.1007/s11117-014-0279-3

(with V. Jovanovic) D'Alembert sums for vibrating bar with viscous ends. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 85 (2014), 99-114

(with V. Hrynkiv) Invasion Waves in the Presence of a Mutualist. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (2013) DOI: 10.1002/mma.2964

A short proof of the Arendt-Chernoff-Kato theorem. Archiv der Mathematik, 101 (2013), 143-147

(with Y. Cui) Generating ARMA Count Series from Renewal Processes. Discussions Mathematics - Probability and Statistics, 32 (2012), 5-16

(with V. Jovanovic) Synchronization of Huygens' Clocks and the Poincar\`e Method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 (2012), 2887-2900

(with V. Jovanovic) Explicit solution for vibrating bar with viscous boundaries and internal damper. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 76 (2012), no.1, 101-121

Gauge theory of Faddeev-Skyrme functionals. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010), no.5, 871-908

Homotopy classification of maps into homogeneous spaces. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 4 (2009), no. 1, 331-346

Academic Interest

I have been teaching mathematics courses at the university level for over 15 years, including service courses, graduate courses, computer sessions, and large freshman classes, as well as mentoring Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) students. Each group and each student is a challenge, and I always try to find ways of teaching that work best for them and for the subject. Most of this time I have taught in the US, first as a GTA at Kansas State University, then as a Boas assistant professor at Northwestern University and currently as an assistant professor at UHD.
After coming to Houston I developed several new research collaborations, some with the CMS faculty. Collaborations in analytical mechanics, applied statistics and mathematical biology resulted in published and submitted papers to peer-reviewed journals in 2010-2012. These cover such topics as applications of positive evolution equations to mathematical biology and synchronization of nonlinear oscillators applicable to various areas where collective behavior is observed.

I also published a paper that applied geometry to physics and submitted one on the stability of operator equations that occur in optimal control problems. Currently, I am working on developing new approximation techniques for non-traditional problems in mathematical physics and continue my work on operator equations. Some of my newest work is in mathematical biology, I am currently working with Mike Tobin from the Natural Sciences department on developing a model of water transport in trees. Aside from purely scientific interest, we plan to use this model as a basis for senior and REU projects for students. Another new project is in the spectral graph theory, it is a study of asymptotic spectral invariants of a band, block-circulant, and block-Toeplitz graphs. These graphs appear in organic chemistry and require a mix of linear algebra and probability theory for their study aside from the graph theory itself.


200 2 Hostinsky Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant in Academics

Major Grants:

  • 2015 NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Grant (IUSE) (co-PI, under review)
  • 2014 UHD Teaching Circles Initiative, (PI, funded)
  • 2014 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) (co-PI, under review)
  • 2013 UHD Organized Research Grant (PI, funded)