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Dr. Samuel Penkar

Dr. Samuel Penkar

Dr. Samuel Penkar

ProfessorFinance, Information Systems, Economics and Risk Management
SSB B477


Discipline: Finance

Master of International Management - (AGSIM) American Graduate School of International Management.
Post Graduate Diploma in Business (MBA) Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.

Degrees Earned

DBA-Finance Mississippi State University

Courses Taught

All topics in Finance and Investments

FIN 3302: Business Finance (3) (U)
FIN 4305: Investments (3) (U)
FIN 4309: Adv. Financial Management (3) (U)

Experience Qualifications

Business and Professional Experience:

Production Engineer, Administrative Manager in Centron Industrial Alliance, Bombay
Industrial Engineer in Elbit Computers, Haifa, Israel.

Organizations/Community Experience:

Grader for CFA level III exams, and on several ad. hoc. committees for the CFA Institute.

More Information

Special Certifications/Licenses

CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst)

Research and Creative Interests:

In the area of finance, particularly in the Investments field.