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Dr. Michael R. Cavanaugh

Dr. Michael R. Cavanaugh

Dr. Michael R. Cavanaugh

Associate Professor & Assistant ChairCriminal Justice


Curriculum Vitae

Michael R. Cavanaugh has a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Houston-Downtown and has been since the Fall of 2012. Dr. Cavanaugh has published various articles and books on criminal justice related topics over the past few years.

Interests include:

Dr. Cavanaugh is interested in a wide variety of research topics in the field of criminal justice including criminal law, civil law (Section 1983), death penalty, drug use and abuse, juvenile delinquency, program evaluation, and public policy. He has taught various classes both at the undergraduate and graduate levels at UHD in online, hybrid, and traditional formats.

Degrees Earned

University of Louisiana B.S Criminal Justice

Sam Houston State University M.A. Criminal Justice

Sam Houston State University Ph.D. Criminal Justice

Courses Taught

CJ 1301

CJ 2302

CJ 3301

CJ 4307

CJ 6311

CJ 6312

CJ 6350

Experience Qualifications

Journal Articles:

Bouffard, J. A., Nobles, M. R., Wells, W., & Cavanaugh, M. R. (2012). How many more guns? Estimating the effect of allowing concealed handgun licenses on college campuses. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27(2), 316-343.

Cavanaugh, M. R. & Franklin, T.W. (2012). Do DWI courts work? An empirical evaluation of a Texas-based DWI court. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 51, 257-274.

Wells, W., Cavanaugh, M. R., Bouffard, J. A., & Nobles, M. R. (2012). Non-response bias with web-based surveys of college students. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 28, 455-476.

Cavanaugh, M. R., Bouffard, J. A., Wells, W., & Nobles, M. R. (2012). Student attitudes toward concealed handguns on campus at two universities. American Journal of Public Health. 102(12), 2245-2247.

Cavanaugh, M. R., McShane, M., & Williams, F. P. (2014). Confronting the demons of future dangerousness. Journal of Law and Criminal Justice, 2(2), (Accepted).

Laosunthorn, C., Cavanaugh, M. R., & Wang, H. (2015). War on drugs in Thailand: With a focus on methamphetamine. The 2015 AAPS Annual Conference and the Police and Science International Forum Proceedings, 16, 34-48.


Belbot, B., Hemmens, C., & Cavanaugh, M. R. (2015). The Legal Rights of the Convicted (2nd Ed.). LFB Publishing: El Paso, Tx.

McShane, M. & Cavanaugh, M. R., (Eds.) (2015). Understanding Juvenile Justice and Delinquency. Praeger: Santa Barbara, Ca (To be published November 2015).

Book Chapters:

Inmate Litigation and the Constitution (Belbot, B. & Cavanaugh, M. R.) In Hemmens, C. (2014). Current legal issues in criminal justice. New York: Oxford University Press.

School Searches: Balancing Delinquency and Privacy (Cavanaugh, M. R.) In McShane M. and Cavanaugh M. R. (To be published November 2015). Understanding Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, Praeger: Santa Barbara, Ca.

More Information

Awarded Faculty Development Award. University of Houston-Downtown. Spring 2014 ($6,920).