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Dr. Liza Barros Lane

Dr. Liza Barros Lane

Dr. Liza Barros Lane

Assistant Professor of Social Work and Spanish Track Faculty LeadSocial Work
CSB C345


My goal, aligned with the feminist and social work tradition, is to utilize research to foster empathic connections between individuals who undergo hidden, disempowered, and/or stigmatized experiences and those who can provide support but may lack awareness. To demonstrate my commitment and pursuit of these ideals, I will present some of my current research strands, including examining the educational experiences and empowerment of young widowhood and social work students.

Research strand # 1- Young widowhood research: On July 10th 2020, six months after beginning my tenure as an assistant professor at the University of Houston-Downtown, my husband died in an accident. I was left a widow at 36 years old with a three-year-old son. As many other academics do when facing a terrible unknown, I sought research to give context to this experience, only to realize how understudied young widowhood is. This realization was a turning point for my research trajectory because, at this point, I pivoted my research efforts to understanding the experiences of young widowhood. Not only was this an addition to my research agenda, but this research has also come to define my purpose in life. I believe it is my vocation to listen to people experiencing the early deaths of their partners and tell their stories.

Featured articles:

  1. Barros-Lane, L., Germany, A., Smith, P., & Stovall, T. (accepted). Examining challenges faced by young widows and widowers from a socio-ecological perspective: A systematic review. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying
  2. Barros-Lane, L., Alvarez-Rodriguez, V., Cornelius, E., & Smith, V. (accepted). "Grief lasts longer than sympathy": qualitatively examining disenfranchised grief in young widowhood. Journal of Loss and Trauma


IG and FB: @The_Widowed_Researcher

Research strand # 2 - Empowerment of Social Work Students

As a feminist and anti-oppressive educator, the second strand of my research is dedicated to examining how the program environment and content in social work programs enable students to practice in a way that does not disempower the vulnerable clients they aim to help. The anti-oppressive perspective posits that educating students to empower others is impossible using hierarchical and disempowering teaching methods. Therefore, the approach to teaching and the program environment are as important to the educational experience as is the content. The following papers examine students' experiences and interactions with their instructors and program staff.

Featured articles:

  1. Barros-Lane, L., Smith, D.S., McCarty, D., Perez, S.P., & Sirrianni, L. (2022). Solidarity in time of a pandemic: a qualitative study.Journal of Social Work Education, 1-14
  2. Mauldin, R. L., Barros-Lane, L., Tarbet, Z., Fujimoto, K., & Narendorf, S. C. (2022). Cohort-based education and other factors related to student peer relationships: A mixed-methods social network analysis. Education Sciences, 12, 1-24.
  3. Barros-Lane, L., Smith, D. S., McCarty, D., Perez, S., & Sirrianni, L. (2021). Assessing a Trauma-Informed Approach to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Higher Education: A Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(sup1), S66-S81.

Degrees Earned

University of Houston - Ph.D. in Social Work - 2018

University of Houston - MSW in Social Work - 2013

Thomas Edison State University - BA in English - 2006

Courses Taught

Courses taught at UHD:

  • Introduction to Social Welfare Policy - 2363 (Spring 2020)
  • Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare Policy - 2361 (Fall 2015 & Spring 2016)
  • Social Justice and Professional Ethics - 3364 (Summer 2018 & 2019) hybrid
Supervision of students in field placement - (Spring 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2019)

Experience Qualifications


Birkenmaier, J., Hagenman, S., Barros Lane, L., & Callahan, C. (in press) Course models for Increased competency for practice integrated with financial capability and asset building. Journal of Social Work Education.

Szlyk, H., Berger Cardoso, J., Barros Lane, L., & Evans.,K. (2020) Me perdia en la escuela. Social Work, 65 (2), 131-139

Berger Cardoso, J., Faulkner, M., Scott, J., & Barros Lane, L. (2018). Parenting in the context of deportation risk: A study of undocumented families in Texas. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(2), 301-316.
Pritzker, S., & Barros Lane, L. (2018). Supporting field-based education in political settings. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(4), 668-678.
Barros Lane, L., & Pritzker, S. (2018). Toward culturally-sensitive financial education interventions with Latinos. In J. Birkenmaier et al. (Eds.) Financial Capability and Asset Building with Diverse Populations: Improving Financial Well-being in Families and Communities (410-427). Howick Place, London: Routledge

Berger Cardoso, J., & Barros Lane, L. (2016). Practice with immigrant and refugee children
and families in the mental health system. In A. Dettlaff & R. Fong (Eds.) Immigrant and Refugee Children and Families: Culturally Responsive Practice (392-427). New York, NY: Columbia Press

Barros Lane, L., & Pritzker, S. (2016). Toward culturally-sensitive financial education interventions with Latinos. [Special Issue]. Journal of Community Practice, 24 (4), 410-427. 10.1080/10705422.2016.1233476


Barros Lane, L. (May 2020). Banking on the American dream: A quantitative study of the financial behaviors of Latino immigrants. Latinx Social Work Conference 2020, Portland, OR.

Barros Lane, L., Hernandez, M., Hammock, K., Pederson, C., Velasquez, M., & von Sternberg, K. (January, 2020). #Blackmamasmatter: A Mixed-Methods Study of African American Women's Attitudes Towards Birth Control. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Berger Cardoso, J., Barros Lane, L. Faulkner, M., J., Scott, J., & Giraldo-Santiago, N. (January, 2020). Preventing family separation: child custody and family deportation planning with undocumented Latinx families. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Barros Lane, L., Berger Cardoso, J., & Brabeck, K. (October, 2019). "Es como que no los conociera:" Reunification of unaccompanied migrant youth with their U.S. Families. 4ta Conferencia Binacional México—Estados Unidos Sobre Trabajo Social y Migración, Houston, TX.

Barros Lane, L., & Pooler, D. (October, 2019). Helping survivors of clergy sexual abuse heal in a #MeToo world. Council on Social Work Education, Denver, CO. Poster presentation.

von Sternberg, K., Barros Lane, L., & Velasquez, M. (July, 2019). Marijuana negatively impacts other health behavior change. Research Society on Marijuana, Vancouver, Wash. Poster presentation.

Hernandez, M., Barros Lane,L., von Sternberg, K.,& Velasquez, M. (June, 2019). The role of helping relationships and acculturation on alcohol problems among Latinas at risk of substance-exposed pregnancy. Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, Minn. Poster presentation.

Birkenmaier, J., Hagenman, S., Barros Lane, L., & Callahan, C. (November, 2018). Course models for Increased competency for practice integrated with financial capability and asset building. Council on Social Work Education, Orlando, FL.

Barros Lane, L. (April, 2018). Experiential Learning for an Online Economic Empowerment Course. Social Work Distance Education. San Antonio, Tx

Barros Lane, L., Berger Cardoso, J., & Brabeck, K. (January, 2018). The experiences of reintegration to the family of origin of unaccompanied migrant youth. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC. Poster presentation

Berger Cardoso, J., & Barros Lane, L. (January, 2018). Running to stand still. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Szlyk, H., Berger Cardoso, J., & Barros Lane, L. (January, 2018). Me perdia en la escuela. Society for Social Work and Research, Washington, DC.

Birkenmaier, J., Sherraden, M., McClendon, G.G., Barros Lane, L., Jones, J. (November, 2016). Models for Integrating Financial Capability and Asset Building Into the Curriculum. Faculty Development Institute. Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA

Mauldin, R., Barros Lane, L., Narendorf, S. (November, 2016). The Evolution of Student Relationships Over Time in a Cohort-Based MSW Program. Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA

Pritzker, S., & Barros Lane, L (November, 2016). Ethics and Policy Practice: Developing Ethical Behavior in a Political Setting. Council on Social Work Education, Atlanta, GA.

Pritzker, S., & Barros Lane, L. (June, 2016) Supporting field education in political settings. Policy Conference 2.0, Race and Inequality: Policy & Advocacy for Structural Change, St. Louis, MO.

Barros Lane, L., & Pritzker, S. (April, 2015). Toward Culturally-Competent Financial Education Interventions with Latinos. Financial Capability and Asset Building Convening, St. Louis, MO.

Berger Cardoso, J., Scott, J., Faulkner, M., Alvarez, S., & Barros Lane, L. (January, 2015). Parenting in
the context of deportation: A study of undocumented families in Texas. Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Scott, J., Faulkner, M., Berger Cardoso, J., Barros Lane, L. (January, 2015). Survival in the shadow of the
state: The work lives and economic practices of undocumented Latino families in Texas. Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA.

Barros Lane, L. (October. 2014). Culturally competent financial education with Latinos. Poster presented
at the GRAsP Conference at the University of Houston, Houston, TX