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Dr. Lanyi Zhang

Dr. Lanyi Zhang

Dr. Lanyi Zhang

Assistant ProfessorAccounting and International Business
SSB B419


Dr. Zhang has served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Houston-Downtown since 2019. Her primary research interest is the theoretical and empirical examination of accounting roles in bank regulation and debt contracting. Dr. Zhang enjoys teaching intermediate accounting, advanced accounting, auditing and AIS to undergraduate and graduate students. In her free time, she enjoys running, traveling, and spending time with her family.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. In Accounting University of Houston

MBA The Chinese University of Hong Kong

BA Peking University

Courses Taught

Intermediate Accounting II



Advanced Accounting

Managerial Accounting (at UH main campus in 2017-2018)

Experience Qualifications

More than 10 years in industry as director, manager, and deputy financial controller.

Member of ACCA in UK.

Member of American Accounting Association.