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Kulwant Singh

Kulwant Singh

Kulwant Singh

Senior LecturerComputer Science and Engineering Technology
OMB S745


Kulwant Singh holds a Master's in Mathematics, Civil Engineering, and Systems Science from Louisiana State University. Singh has taught Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering as a Professor at Lone Star College, North Harris, Houston, TX and an Adjunct Instructor at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. He is currently a Lecturer of Computer Science at UHD.

Degrees Earned

  • Master's in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University
  • Master's in Systems Science, Louisiana State University

Courses Taught

  • CS 1408: Intro to CS with Visual Basic
  • CS 2402: Digital Logic
  • ENGR 1400: PC Applications in Engineering

Experience Qualifications

Teaching Experience:

  • August 2001 - May 2011: Professor, Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, Lone Star College, North Harris, Houston, TX
  • 1997- 2001: Adjunct Instructor, Department of Computer Science, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

More Information


Singh, K. and Singh, V.P. (1991) Derivation of bivariate probability density functions with exponential marginals. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, Vol. 5, 55-68.

Singh, V.P. and Singh, K. (1988) Parameter estimation for log-pearson type III distribution byPOME. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 1, 112-122.

Singh, V.P. and Singh, K. (1987) Parameter estimation for three parameter log normal distribution for flood frequency analysis. Water Resources Bulletin, 23(6), 1185-1191.

Singh, V.P., Rajagopal, A.K. and Singh, K. (1986) Derivation of some frequency distributions using the principle of maximum entropy. Advances in Water Resources, 9(2), 91-106.

Singh, V.P. and Singh, K. (1985) Derivation of the gamma distribution by using the principle of maximum entropy. Water Resources Bulletin, 21(6), 941-962.

Singh, V.P. and Singh, K. (1985) Derivation of the pearson type III distribution by using the principle of maximum entropy. Journal of Hydrology, 80, 197-214.

Singh, V.P., Rajagopal, A.K. and Singh, K. (1985) Application of the principle of maximumentropy to hydrologic frequency analysis. Completion Report 06, Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.

Certification/ License:

Louisiana State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (PE/27109).