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Dr. Kevin Buckler

Dr. Kevin Buckler

Dr. Kevin Buckler

Department Chair & Professor of Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice


Curriculum Vitae

His scholarship primarily utilizes secondary data analysis and archival data collection. Prior to joining the Criminal Justice Department at UHD, he held faculty positions at the University of Texas-Brownsville (now UT-Rio Grande Valley), Prairie View A & M University, and Georgia Southern University.

Interests include:

Supreme Court criminal procedure case outcomes
Media coverage of criminal justice issues
Public opinion on crime and justice issues

Degrees Earned

University of Cincinnati Ph.D. Criminal Justice 2004

Eastern Kentucky University M.S. Criminal Justice 1999

Courses Taught

CJ 2302 Criminal Court Systems
CJ 3320 Criminal Justice Statistics
CJ 4930 Special Topics in CJ: Famous American Crimes and Trials
CJ 6325 Issues in Juvenile Justice
CJ 6342 Correctional Programming
CJ 6360 Special Topics in CJ: Contemporary Landmark SCOTUS Criminal Justice Decisions

Experience Qualifications


Buckler, K., & Gilmore, E. L. (Forthcoming, Accepted 9/3/2015). Sounding off on U.S.
Supreme Court criminal procedure cases: An analysis of published editorials in national print media. Criminal Law Bulletin.

Buckler, K., & Higgins, G. E. (In Press). Support for aggressive stop-and-frisk policy in
NYC: Does perceived policy effectiveness and perceived disparate treatment account for observed racial and ethnic divides? Journal of Crime and Justice.

Buckler, K. (2015). Supreme Court outcomes in criminal justice cases (1994 to 2012
terms): An examination of status differential and amici curiae effects. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 26, 8, 773-804.

Buckler, K. (2014). The newsworthiness of U. S. Supreme Court criminal procedure
cases (1994 to 2010 terms): Assessing the effects of case salience and case complexity across elite and populace press. Criminal Justice Review, 39, 2, 140-159.

Buckler, K., Davila, M., & Wilson, S. (2011). U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Fourth
Amendment cases (1961-2009): A test of the legal subculture, democratic subculture, negotiation/synthesis, resource capability, and social background hypotheses. Criminal Justice Review, 36 (4), 393-413.

Buckler, K., Wilson, S., Davila, M., & Hartley, D. (2011). Racial and ethnic
perceptions of injustice: Does prior personal and vicarious incarceration experience intensify the racial/ethnic gap in perceptions of injustice? Criminal Justice Review, 36 (3), 269-290.

Davila, M., Hartley, D., Buckler, K., & Wilson, S. (2011). Personal and vicarious
experience with the criminal justice system as a predictor of punitive sentencing attitudes. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 36 (4), 408-420.

Brown, B., Benedict, W. R., & Buckler, K. (2010). Support for the death penalty in
developing democracies: A binational comparative case study. International Criminal Justice Review, 20 (4), 398-416.

Wilson, S., & Buckler, K. (2010). The debate over police reform: Examining minority
support for citizen oversight and resistance by police unions. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 35 (1), 184-197.

Buckler, K., Wilson, S., & Salinas, P. (2009). Public support for punishment and
progressive policy preferences: The role of symbolic racism and negative racial stereotype. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 34, 238-252.

Buckler, K., Swatt, M., & Salinas, P. (2009). Public views of illegal immigration policy
and control strategies: A test of the core hypotheses. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 17-27.

Buckler, K., Salinas, P., & Davila, M. (2008). Racial differences in public support for
the death penalty - Can racist sentiment and core values explain the racial divide? American Journal of Criminal Justice, 33, 151-165.

Buckler, K. (2008). The quantitative/qualitative divide revisited: A study of published
research, doctoral program curricula, and journal editor perceptions. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 19 (3), 383-403.

Buckler, K., & Unnever, J. (2008). Racial and ethnic perceptions of injustice: Testing
the core hypotheses of comparative conflict theory. Journal of Criminal Justice, 36 (3), 270-278.

Buckler, K. (2008). Minimizing White race-based behavior and neutralizing oppression
discourse: An interpretive content analysis of Crash (2005). Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 15 (1), 1-33.

Buckler, K. (2008). Public opinion on illegal immigration: A test of seven core
hypotheses. Journal of Crime and Justice, 31 (1), 112-147.

Buckler, K., Unnever, J. & Cullen, F. T. (2008). Perceptions of injustice revisited: A
test of Hagan et al.'s Comparative Conflict Theory. Journal of Crime and Justice, 31 (1), 36-58.

Buckler, K., Griffin, T., & Travis, L. F. (2008). Criminologists as "benchwarmers":
The exclusion of eggheads from crime news discourse. Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice, 5 (1), 4-21.

Buckler, K., & Cullen, F. T. & Unnever, J. (2007). Citizen assessment of local criminal
courts: Does fairness matter? Journal of Criminal Justice, 35 (5), 524-536.

Buckler, K., & Travis, L. F. (2005). Assessing the newsworthiness of homicide events: An analysis of coverage in the Houston Chronicle. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture.

Buckler, K., & Travis, L. F. (2003). Reanalyzing the prevalence and social context of collateral consequence statutes. Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(5), 435-453.