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Dr. Judith Quander

Dr. Judith Quander

Dr. Judith Quander

Professor, Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Faculty DevelopmentMathematics and Statistics


After completing a master's degree in Mathematics, I became a middle school mathematics teacher in Tucson, Arizona. That experience influenced my decision to pursue mathematics education as a career. I earned my Ph.D. in Mathematics Education with a focus on looking at differences in instructional style in tracked high school mathematics classrooms. I looked at how high school mathematics teachers changed their instructional focus and style depending on the perceived ability level of the students. I have also worked as the Director of Research at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics where I focused on making research findings accessible to practicing teacher.

Degrees Earned

  • Ph.D., Mathematics Education, University of Georgia
  • MS, Mathematics, University of Arizona
  • Bachelor of Art, Plan II, The University of Texas
  • Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, The University of Texas

Courses Taught

Math 3321 Mathematics Concepts 1
Math 3322 Mathematics Concepts 2
Math 3303 Geometry for Secondary Teachers
Math 3313 Mathematics Topics for Secondary Teachers

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Quander has a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education. She is currently the Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development. She has been at UHD since Fall 2010 and is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

More Information


Sack, J., Quander, J., Redl, T., & Leveille, N. (2016). The community of practice among mathematics and mathematics education faculty members at an urban minority-serving institution in the US. Innovative Higher Education, 41, 167-182.

Quander, J., & Redl, T. (2021). Early Field Experiences for STEM Undergraduates: A Possible Pathway into Teaching. Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 56(2), 4.

Quander, J., Sack, J. J., & Redl, T. A. (2020). Learning Through Co-teaching as Critical Friends. Cross-Disciplinary, Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Teacher Education: Cases of Learning and Leading, 241-255.

Sack, J., & Quander, J. (2018). Care as an Approach for Supporting Induction Years Secondary Mathematics Teachers. Facing Challenges and Complexities in Retention of Novice Teachers, 223.