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Dr. Jon Harned

Dr. Jon Harned

Dr. Jon Harned

Professor Emeritus of EnglishEnglish
OMB S1096


Professor Harned has taught at the college level at the University of Virginia, Louisiana State University, the University of Kansas, and, since 1982, at the University of Houston-Downtown. He was promoted to Full Professor in 1997 in the Department of English, and is currently Professor Emeritus, teaching one or two upper-division courses a semester. His areas of special teaching and research interest include Composition, the Early Modern period of English literature, Shakespeare, poetry, and psychoanalytic theory.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1977
B.A. with Highest Honors, Indiana University, 1970

Courses Taught

ENG 1300 Fundamentals of English

ENG 1301 Composition I

ENG 1302 Composition II

ENG 2301 World Literature: Ancient to 17th Century

ENG 2301 World Literature: 17th Century and Beyond

ENG 2311 British Literature: Beginnings to 1800

ENG 2314 British Literature: 1800 to Present

ENG 3305 Essay Writing

ENG 3307 Introduction to Literary Theory

ENG 3307 Shakespeare

ENG 3311 Studies in Poetry

ENG 3312 Studies in Dramatic Literature

ENG 3340 Cultural Criticism

ENG 3347 Studies in Early Modern Literature

ENG 4309 Psychology Through Literature

Experience Qualifications

Professor Harned wrote his doctoral dissertation on the early poetry of John Milton from a psycho-biographical viewpoint, and he has maintained over the years a research interest in Freudian theory as it intersects with more recent psychoanalytic theories, post-structuralism, Marxism, and queer theory. His work on Milton has also kept him engaged in the study of Early Modern British culture, especially its evolving practices in poetry and drama, and its conflicting political ideologies of state power, gender, social class, and race. Before coming to UHD, Dr. Harned held a post-doctoral fellowship in composition at the University of Kansas and served for several years at UHD as Director of Composition.

More Information


"Rhetoric and Perverse Desire in Shakespeare's 'A Lover's Complaint.'" Critical Essays on Shakespeare's 'A Lover's Complaint.' Ed. Shirley Sharon-Zisser. London: Ashgate, 2006.

"Harry Stack Sullivan and the Gay Psychoanalysis." American Imago 55 (Fall 1998).

Editor, "Queer Studies and the Job Market." Profession 1996.

"Psychoanalysis, Queer Theory, and David Leavitt's The Lost Language of Cranes." South Central Review 11 (Winter 1994).

"'Becoming Gay' in E.M. Forster's Maurice." Papers on Language and Literature 29 (Winter 1993).

"Politics and Art in Made-for-TV Movies About AIDS." Psychoanalytic Quarterly 1 (Fall 1992).

Review of Epistemology of the Closet, by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, South Central Review 9 (Spring 1992)

"Femininity." In Women's Studies Encyclopedia. Ed. Helen Tierney. Vol. 3. New York: Greenwood, 1991.

Editor, "Should English Teachers Oppose 'Minimal Competency' Writing Tests?" CEA Forum 16/17 (1986-87).

"Post-structuralism and the Teaching of Composition." Freshman English News 15 (Fall 1986).

"A Psycho-biographical Reading of Lycidas." Bucknell Review 48/49 (Summer-Fall 1985).

"Stanley Fish's Theory of the Interpretive Community: A Rhetoric for Our Time?" Freshman English News 14 (Fall 1985).

"The Intellectual Background of Alexander Bain's 'Modes of Discourse,'" College Composition and Communication 36 (February 1985).