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Dr. Jillian Hill

Dr. Jillian Hill

Dr. Jillian Hill

Associate Professor of Technical Communication - Co-Director, First-Year CompositionEnglish
OMB S1073


Dr. Hill is an Associate Professor of English at UHD and holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition with a specialization in Literacy, Rhetoric, and Social Practice. Prior to joining UHD in the spring 2011 semester, she taught composition and communication courses at Kent State University and Stark State College of Technology.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Rhetoric and Composition, Kent State University

M.A., Rhetoric and Composition, Kent State University

B.A., Writing and Communication, University of Massachusetts- Dartmouth

Courses Taught

  • ENG 3302 Business & Technical Writing
  • ENG 3336 Writing for the Web
  • ENG 3339 Digital Media Theory
  • ENG 3371 Public Relations Writing
  • ENG 5340 Visual Design Theory

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Hill is an Assistant Professor of English at UHD. She has a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition with a specialization in Literacy, Rhetoric, and Social Practice. One of her qualifying exams was in document design. Her dissertation investigated the collaborative response practices that professional communicators engage in while asynchronously collaborating constructing an internal newsletter. Given the scope of this empirical study, Dr. Hill is well qualified to teach Digital Media Theory and is currently the coordinator of the Digital Media minor offered through the Professional Writing program. She also designed multiple documents Senior Educational Consultant for Kent State University's Faculty Professional Development Center. Dr. Hill continues to pursue her research interest in workplace writing. Most recently, her co-authored article, "Termination documentation," was published in Business and Professional Communication Quarterly. Taken together, her research in workplace collaborative writing and the composition process of termination letters qualifies her to teach Business & Technical Report Writing.

More Information

Dr. Hill's primary academic interest is investigating in situ workplace writing. Doing so has afforded her the ability to also explore related interests such as workplace collaboration and visual design.

Duncan, M. & Hill, J. (2014). Termination documentation. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 77(3), 297-311.

Hill, J. (2010). Investigating collaborative writing activities: A case study of five professional communicators. W. Wardrope (Ed.) Association for Business Communication-Southwestern United States (pp. 58-67).

University Fellowship, Kent State University, Spring 2010

Professionalization Grant, Kent State University, English Department, Spring 2007-2010