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Dr. Fatemeh Askarzadeh

Dr. Fatemeh Askarzadeh

Dr. Fatemeh Askarzadeh

Assistant ProfessorManagement
SSB B469


Fatemeh has several work experiences as a board member of a family business, an entrepreneur, and an employee, and is familiar with different national contexts. She is active in research and academic services as well.

Degrees Earned

Fatemeh earned her doctorate in Business Administration (with a major in Strategy and minor in International Business) from Old Dominion University. She also holds MBA and a BBA in Electrical Engineering, both from Sharif University of Technology.

Courses Taught

MGT 4302 Business Strategy

Experience Qualifications

Fatemeh's research explores how the entrepreneurial orientation of a firm can explain variation of board female representation within the same institutional context, and the performance consequences of different responses to board female representation norm. More broadly, her research interests include corporate governance (gender & diversity), entrepreneurship, and IB. Her works have appeared in multiple conferences and have either been published or invited for revision & resubmission in prestigious journals. Her teaching portfolio also has multiple courses including "Business Policy and Strategy" (the capstone course), "Introduction to Contemporary Business" and "Contemporary Organization and Management". She is passionate about women's success in the workplace.

More Information

Having served as an active member of intercultural and student organizations, Fatemeh aspires to contribute to the students' success and diversity programs in the community.