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Dr. Andrew Pavelich

Dr. Andrew Pavelich

Dr. Andrew Pavelich

Professor of PhilosophyHistory, Humanities, and Languages
OMB N1047


Received a B.A. in Philosophy from Fort Lewis College in 1994, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tulane University in 1999. Taught at Illinois Wesleyan University before moving to UHD in 2003. Currently the coordinator for Philosophy.

Ph.D. thesis was on Rene Descartes, and his philosophy of mathematics. Also published on the relationship between God and time, as well as John Locke's view of personal identity.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tulane University in 1999

B.A. in Philosophy from Fort Lewis College in 1994

Courses Taught

UHD 1304: Freshman Seminar

PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 2301: Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 2302: Modern Philosophy

PHIL 2305: Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 2310: The Meaning of Life

PHIL 3301: Moral Philosophy I

PHIL 3310: Moral Philosophy II

PHIL 3304: Logic

PHIL 3317: Philosophy of Race

PHIL 3320: Environmental Ethics

PHIL 3322: World Religions

PHIL 3323: Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 3384: Symbolic Logic

PHIL 3386: Philosophy of Death

PHIL 4312: Descartes

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Pavelich is a tenured Professor of Philosophy at UHD. He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Tulane university. He has published papers on the historical philosophers Rene Descartes and John Locke, as well as on the Philosophy of Religion. This expertise has translated to the classroom with classes on Modern Philosophy, World Religions, and Philosophy of Religion. In addition, he has won a teaching award, and has taught a wide variety of subjects in Philosophy, from ethics and logic to the philosophy of death and the meaning of life.

More Information

Finalist for UHD's award for excellence in teaching in 2013

Winner of UHD's award for excellence in teaching in 2014


"Science After the End of the World", in Sci-Fi in The Mind's Eye: Reading Science Through Science Fiction, ed. Margret Grebowicz, Open Court Press, 2007.

"On the Idea that God is Continuously Re-Creating the Universe", Sophia, volume 46, No. 1, May 2007; "Locke on the Possibility of Thinking Matter", Locke Studies, volume 6.

"Pet Health Care Ethics", forthcoming in What Philosophy Can Tell You About Your Cat, ed. Steven Hales, for Open Court Press, 2008.

"The Light From Friendship", in Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy, ed. Joseph Westfall, Open Court Press, 2016.

"The Moral Problem with the Free Will Defense of the Problem of Evil", The Heythrop Journal, 2018.

The Good Place and Philosophy: Get an Afterlife, Co-edited with Steven Benko, Open Court Press, 2019.

"The Moral Hazards of Using Turnitin as a Learning Tool", Teaching Ethics, volume 19 (2), Fall 2019, 195-206.

"Is It Possible to be Better Off Dead? An Epicurean Analysis of Physician-Assisted Suicide", Conatus, volume 5 (2), 2020, 115-132.

"The Moral Hazards of Using Turnitin as a Learning Tool", Teaching Ethics, volume 19 (2), Fall 2019, 195-206.