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Executive Dashboard

This dashboard is best viewed on desktop or laptop devices. Scroll down to sign in to view.

Description: Summaries of comparative Applicants and Enrollments (Student and Courses) data. Financial Aid Applications and Awards accepted along with verification data for the current rolling three terms. Also, Financial Aid total dollars awarded and accepted.

Refresh Schedule: Once a day, all data elements in this dashboard are from snapshots taken at 2 am.

Data Sources: PeopleSoft data loaded into UHD data warehouse to display in Power BI.

Notes: The comparisons are based on the same number of days before the term starts - how many days before the term is visible as the "Offset days" at the bottom of the dashboard (negative is before the term starts; 0 is the first day of classes; positive is days after the term started). 
Beginning in April 2022, applicant counts exclude withdrawn applications.

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