Cultivating Strong Partnerships: UHD and School Leaders Collaborate for Leadership Excellence Through Professional Development
One of the primary goals of the Master of Educational Leadership (MEDL) program at UHD is to build partnerships with our local community, particularly K-12 schools. To support this goal, site supervisors were invited to attend a transformative leadership academy hosted by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) on September 29-30, 2024, in Austin. Five site supervisors, representing different school districts in Houston, were able to attend. This targeted professional development opportunity aimed to foster strong leadership within local educational communities and enhance the leadership skills of site supervisors.

coordinator visited the Texas Associationof Secondary School Principals: Leadership
Academy with five site supervisors, representing different school districts in Houston.
Site supervisors play a crucial role in the professional growth of MEDL practicum
students. Through interactive workshops and networking opportunities, participants
are encouraged to share best practices and collaborate on common challenges. By investing
in their own development, site supervisors can create a more supportive and enriching
experience for UHD students during their practicum, ultimately leading to better educational
Additionally, offering such professional development opportunities also underscores the importance of building a community of leaders. Participants had the chance to connect with peers from various schools and districts, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. This network of support is invaluable, as it allows educators to draw on a diverse range of experiences and perspectives to address the challenges they face in their roles.
Participating site supervisors shared their reflections and provided positive feedback. One participant noted, “The sessions encouraged me to reflect on the systems my campus has in place to ensure we are focusing on the essential standards and high-quality instruction.” Another participant remarked, “The leadership academy was very informative. Provided me with information that I can take back to the campus.”
We extend our gratitude to the Powell Foundation for providing the endowment that covered the expenses of this trip. The Co-Principal Investigators on the Powell Foundation Grant are Dr. Diane Miller, Associate Professor of Literacy and Interim Associate Dean, College of Public Service, Dr. Lizette Navarrete-Burks, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Urban Education, and Dr. Abdelnasser Hussein, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Urban Education.